Mag Posted March 24, 2008 Posted March 24, 2008 thought I share one of my friend's conversation from MSN. Yeah it's over a week old but it's still stuck in my head. 3/15/2008 1:22:47 AM たくみくん : oh yeah 3/15/2008 1:22:54 AM たくみくん : the weirdest thing happened on wednesday 3/15/2008 1:23:12 AM たくみくん : ok so on tuesday... this girl in my computer class asked me for my msn contact 3/15/2008 1:23:28 AM たくみくん : so I was like... ok 3/15/2008 1:23:30 AM たくみくん : I gave it to her 3/15/2008 1:23:34 AM たくみくん : on thursday 3/15/2008 1:23:36 AM たくみくん : she messaged me 3/15/2008 1:23:38 AM たくみくん : said hi 3/15/2008 1:23:41 AM たくみくん : I said hi 3/15/2008 1:23:46 AM たくみくん : then... she connected her webcam 3/15/2008 1:23:54 AM たくみくん : and... she was naked 3/15/2008 1:24:04 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : NANI.gif3/15/2008 1:24:11 AM たくみくん : or rather... I couldn't see anything above her hips 3/15/2008 1:24:27 AM たくみくん : and... she was masturbating 3/15/2008 1:24:29 AM たくみくん : so... 3/15/2008 1:24:33 AM たくみくん : I closed the window 3/15/2008 1:25:05 AM たくみくん : then she messaged me and went T.T 3/15/2008 1:25:14 AM たくみくん : me: What was that? her: nvm >.> 3/15/2008 1:25:17 AM たくみくん : then... I didn't answer 3/15/2008 1:25:20 AM たくみくん : and she logged off 3/15/2008 1:25:33 AM たくみくん : then on thursday 3/15/2008 1:25:39 AM たくみくん : we had a midterm in our class 3/15/2008 1:25:43 AM たくみくん : and a project due 3/15/2008 1:25:46 AM たくみくん : she didn't show up 3/15/2008 1:26:07 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : NANI.gif im still speechless from this, wtf did you just say 3/15/2008 1:26:18 AM たくみくん : she was masturbating 3/15/2008 1:26:21 AM たくみくん : on webcam 3/15/2008 1:26:46 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : wtf 3/15/2008 1:26:47 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : WTFF 3/15/2008 1:26:59 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : and she is asian? -.- 3/15/2008 1:27:02 AM たくみくん : yes 3/15/2008 1:27:07 AM たくみくん : not that cute though 3/15/2008 1:27:16 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : you scared me 3/15/2008 1:27:21 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : the whole thing.. scared me 3/15/2008 1:27:22 AM たくみくん : and in class... she's REALLY quiet 3/15/2008 1:27:29 AM たくみくん : I mean 3/15/2008 1:27:31 AM たくみくん : when she talks 3/15/2008 1:27:36 AM たくみくん : you need to lean in to hear anything 3/15/2008 1:27:49 AM たくみくん : I'm telling you... it's always the quiet ones 3/15/2008 1:28:18 AM たくみくん : that was so random too 3/15/2008 1:28:22 AM たくみくん : I mean... 3/15/2008 1:28:24 AM たくみくん : all I said 3/15/2008 1:28:26 AM たくみくん : was hi 3/15/2008 1:28:34 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : that was randomly flocked up 3/15/2008 1:28:59 AM たくみくん : and... 3/15/2008 1:29:01 AM たくみくん : she's only 18 3/15/2008 1:29:25 AM たくみくん : but, I saw her deviant art page 3/15/2008 1:29:37 AM たくみくん : her hobbies are... collecting dolls... drawing anime... and... Yaoi 3/15/2008 1:30:57 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : hmmm.gif ........ .. . .....NANI.gif 3/15/2008 1:31:22 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : thats like the most flocked up random thing you ever encounter in life 3/15/2008 1:31:31 AM たくみくん : no kidding 3/15/2008 1:31:35 AM たくみくん : and I sit next to her in class... 3/15/2008 1:32:01 AM たくみくん : I mean... we have the same interests and all (except for the Yaoi part) 3/15/2008 1:32:03 AM たくみくん : but... 3/15/2008 1:32:11 AM たくみくん : that's not something you show to someone you just met 3/15/2008 1:32:33 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : wtf was her problem, is she on some sort of medication and she cant seem to control herself 3/15/2008 1:33:08 AM たくみくん : she didn't seem to have any problems 3/15/2008 1:33:13 AM たくみくん : other than being unable to talk very loud 3/15/2008 1:33:48 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : this is some weird flocked up fantasy that doesnt sound real, did you even talk to her wtf was that about? i mean at school 3/15/2008 1:34:46 AM たくみくん : never saw her at school after that 3/15/2008 1:34:50 AM たくみくん : she was supposed to come 3/15/2008 1:34:54 AM たくみくん : since there was a midterm 3/15/2008 1:34:57 AM たくみくん : and a project due 3/15/2008 1:35:01 AM たくみくん : but... she didn't show up 3/15/2008 1:35:03 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : you assume she dropped? 3/15/2008 1:35:10 AM たくみくん : don't think so 3/15/2008 1:35:17 AM たくみくん : maybe she just couldn't face me 3/15/2008 1:35:30 AM たくみくん : she hasn't been online either 3/15/2008 1:36:39 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : well... this is scary, its weird and its hard to describe all i know is, i can only imagine maybe she stalk you but i really doubt thats the case 3/15/2008 1:36:55 AM たくみくん : yeah 3/15/2008 1:37:00 AM たくみくん : no one resorts to stalking these days 3/15/2008 1:37:06 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : whatever it is, i think the reason she might not come is, is simply because she couldnt face you and talk about what just happened 3/15/2008 1:37:24 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : as you said, i dont think theres anything else.. 3/15/2008 1:38:07 AM たくみくん : I told my other friend 3/15/2008 1:38:12 AM たくみくん : and all he said was that I had skills 3/15/2008 1:38:56 AM たくみくん : and said "Even when you talk to a hooker, you still need to ask "how much", but all you did was say "hi"". 3/15/2008 1:39:33 AM たくみくん : and the girl that was talking with us said that maybe she was just desperate 3/15/2008 1:40:10 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : WTF 3/15/2008 1:44:12 AM たくみくん : well... it's not like I've never seen anything like that before 3/15/2008 1:44:14 AM たくみくん : but 3/15/2008 1:44:22 AM たくみくん : usually not from someone I met 3/15/2008 1:44:34 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : thats what i dont understand 3/15/2008 1:45:01 AM たくみくん : it could've been a virus or something 3/15/2008 1:45:02 AM たくみくん : but 3/15/2008 1:45:12 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : ok you gave her your msn.. and at that time she goes just barely talk or met? and she showed up on msn nekkid using a webcam.. see this is just too weird 3/15/2008 1:45:14 AM たくみくん : she wouldn't avoid school because of that 3/15/2008 1:45:27 AM たくみくん : well... thing is, I didn't see her face on the webcam 3/15/2008 1:45:38 AM たくみくん : ok scarty 3/15/2008 1:45:40 AM たくみくん : the only part I saw 3/15/2008 1:45:40 AM たくみくん : scary* 3/15/2008 1:45:41 AM たくみくん : was down there 3/15/2008 1:46:40 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : so she hasnt been showing up for school after what happen on msn right? 3/15/2008 1:46:56 AM たくみくん : well there was only one class between that and now 3/15/2008 1:47:00 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : wait.. isnt your comp classes on weekends> 3/15/2008 1:47:08 AM たくみくん : tuesdays and thursdays 3/15/2008 1:47:15 AM たくみくん : this happened wednesday 3/15/2008 1:47:41 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : ok you gave her msn on tuesday.. and it happened on wednesday, but she didnt show up for thursday? 3/15/2008 1:47:49 AM たくみくん : yeah 3/15/2008 1:48:02 AM たくみくん : or came online 3/15/2008 1:48:41 AM たくみくん : hope she didn't do anything desperate after that 3/15/2008 1:49:20 AM たくみくん : hate to be responsible for a suicide just because I closed a messenger window 3/15/2008 1:49:37 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : damn i knew you would of made these weird assumption 3/15/2008 1:50:01 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : it's creeping me out, as a psychology student 3/15/2008 1:50:08 AM たくみくん : lol 3/15/2008 1:50:30 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : go and check her deviantart page 3/15/2008 1:50:39 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : and see if she logs on on friday or thursday 3/15/2008 1:50:46 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : or last seen 3/15/2008 1:50:49 AM たくみくん : it shows that? 3/15/2008 1:51:13 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : well i dont do deviantart but i assume there should be one, it has many information about the artist 3/15/2008 1:52:34 AM たくみくん : yeah, she was just on it 5 hours ago 3/15/2008 1:52:41 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : oh ok then nothing is wrong then 3/15/2008 1:53:00 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : maybe she's on some type of drug or something.. meth? im not sure 3/15/2008 1:53:53 AM たくみくん : so it's safe to assume she just blocked my msn 3/15/2008 1:54:33 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : perhaps... 3/15/2008 1:54:52 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : do you think she will show up on tuesday? 3/15/2008 1:55:28 AM たくみくん : don't know 3/15/2008 1:56:05 AM `馬子『マゴ』 : even if she did show up, should ask her for an explanation after class or something 3/15/2008 1:56:15 AM たくみくん : yeah 3/15/2008 1:56:43 AM たくみくん : the weirdest stuff always happens to me
Skythe Posted March 24, 2008 Posted March 24, 2008 Bet she's a client for one of those naked webcam sites and the webcam accidently came on for him.
Shibathedog Posted March 24, 2008 Posted March 24, 2008 Why did he close the messenger window? I would have been like hell yeah time to hit it and quit it since shes probably crazy.
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