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Posted (edited)

what does everyone think of their sexbox powerhouse.

personally i havent got to much complaints.the only grudges i have is paying for xbox live and no web-browser.

likes-plenty of exclusive games,the wireless controller i love and xbox live arcade and also tonnes of quality 2d shooters coming.


edit/lets not have this thread end up as a 360vsps3 thread.PLEASE. :blink:

Edited by fumanchu
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I have loved my 360 since day one. my only complaint is lack of web browser and it's taking too long for SSFIIHD to come out :P I wish the dpad was better on the official controller, but since I got the vf5 stick I really cant complain.


The d-pad is gay and I also dislike how you can't do as much as I'd like with the HDD.


Otherwise, I love the games out now, I love Live Arcade and I love achievements. I also love the DivX playback and Wireless Network Sharing from WMP. Custom soundtracks on all games, or rather the ability to access your music / media in-game is another big plus. All the demos and videos on Live just sweeten the deal.


Live Gold, decent service and realibility online. Streaming music is also a plus for custom games for everyone.


Yeah I use a stick also, so I don't have to whine with controllers for fighters.


I would get a stick but apart from VF5, which I haven't touched in months, what bloody fighters are there?


And who's to say a better stick than the dodgy Hori EX2 isn't out by the time, say, Street Fighter IV comes out?


I'm looking into a custom stick, DOA4/VF5/Fighter Stick EX2 are all the same stick, same parts, just different decales. I need something more sturdy, and big.


I am of same opinion with BK. Why the heck we get 120GB of HDD but do not have full access to it?!? Damn atrocious. Other than that, I think Microsoft did a good strategy by releasing the X360 earlier, although they have many malfunctions with it. They still won the userbase thru XLive and we are seeing more games coming to it (less Japanese games though)

Posted (edited)

I like Live Gold, the games are good, no web-browser doesn't bother me at all (having the messenger on is irritating after 2 days of constant "why's your status say xbox?!?11!"). Now that it has Divx I can put my satalite HDD on it to watch all my movies and take my HDD to friends house's who have a 360. Not tripping over a wire in the dark at 3am is nice too with wireless controllers. Built in mp3 player is good too, would be better if let me take files from a thumb drive instead of only off a cd.


BUT after having 1 360 get sent back, I hate that I need to be online to play any Live Arcade game I own. And that means for any profile on my system I MUST be signed in and connected to Live for it show a full version game. The dpad does suck since it can't tell if I pushed right or down or both...

Edited by Bambi
You can play media off a thumb drive. Or at least I think you can?? I'm sure I have...


Actually it can do that, I plug my cell phone into the 360 the once, in fact it can read off any USB memory device as long as it formatted as FAT32, just make sure the movie files are no bigger then 4GB.

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