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Posted (edited)

Ok, since I need some practice, I will take any of your guys' requests for sigs. There are a few guidelines I'd like you guys to follow before making a request:


Image you want(please provide a high quality render or stock image, or I reserve the right to deny or ask you to pick something else): 

Size(in pixels):




Also, try not to flood me with requests, if you see someone requesting ahead of you, then wait your turn before requesting, NOTE THE SLOTS:


image sites


http://ajax.sagubooru.com/(don't use Mature images LOL)






Edited by TempesT

Ok my request might be insane.



This is the white dragon, on the left side plz.


In the middle the name "Drake" in cool letters.


Also behind the letters of Drake a Yin-Yang, yin-yang.jpg.


On the right side this dragon.



Last like fuse the colors to be opposites and blend in the middle (sorta lightly ><). By that I mean, white dragon on the left, black background on the left going through the top, same with the name, make the letters the colors of the opposite of the background.


Edit : Please take out the dude in the picture.


Thank you!!

Posted (edited)

Draconika seems to hate hotlinking.

Edited by TempesT

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