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Release notes for 1.90April 7th, 2008


* *beta* Added remote videos to the videos tab.

* *beta* Added recent videos in infoviews when you select a friend.

* *beta* Video uploads now work with videos that can be rendered with DirectShow filters on your computer. In particular, if you edit a video with Windows Movie Maker, Xfire will be able to convert it and upload it to your profile page.

* *beta* Video capture can now create .avi files larger than 2 gigabytes.

* *beta* Upload progress is displayed properly during video uploads.

* *beta* Fixed sound device screwup after capturing audio with a video.

* Standard skin is no longer being maintained or distributed; old versions of this skin do still work, however.

* Xfire full installer no longer works on Windows 98 or Windows ME; previously installed copies of Xfire will continue to auto-upgrade and function.

* New games supported:

Pirates, Vikings and Knights II 	Worms 2 	Savage 2: A Tortured Soul 	Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst
Pirateville 	Upshift StrikeRacer 	Glest 	WorldShift Beta
Seven Kingdoms: Conquest 	Powerboat GT 	Chessmaster 10th Edition 	Red Baron Arcade
The Shield 	Mind Quiz 	Ricochet Infinity 	Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath
Lost Empire: Immortals 	Hard Truck 2 	Lights Out 	SWAT 3
The Sims Carnival: BumperBlast 	The Sims Carnival: SnapCity 	Toribash 	Osu!
Pet Luv Spa and Resort Tycoon 	Perfect Dark: Source 	Trials 2 Second Edition Demo 	Synergy



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