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I think it's becasue most of them are fat, well most of the cops I've seen. I thought pigs are suppose to be in shape to catch criminals. I've never heard a fat super hero before.


I have, never seen a skinny cop.


I have, never seen a cop that wasn't an asshole.


I have, never seen a cop that isn't racist.


I have, never seen a cop not be ignorant.


Most of all, I have never seen a cop, not do what a cop is supposed to do....


they're fat because they eat doughnuts


well, ate doughnuts


now days, the pigs are into starbucks so today it's biscotti


I was wondering the same thing a while back. Yeah why do you guys call them pigs? I call them mothe....f.... to their faces when they try to pull me over.


I'm not a pig! :ph34r:


Cops are good people. Just don't try to burst their bubbles. Always say what they want to hear because if you say otherwise, they start getting excited to arrest or tazer you. Do you think cops are always living exciting lives catching criminals? Nope. Most of the time they're sitting in their police car, hiding at a corner, and waiting to catch some idiot going 55mph at a 45mph road.


And even if they could, and stopped crimes for occuring, they'd have no-one to arrest.


No arrests = no fines = no money for essential services = a right old mess.


Crime makes the ecomony go round.



edit: oops, GC deleted his post which was just prior to this one.

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