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Right now, While i'm doing schoolwork and/or creating comics, I am now downloading:


No Games ;) (Maybe Halo)

No Movies :ph34r: (nope none either)


Ok seriously: :lol:


Street Fighter 2x Series.

Mortal Kombat series (Rare can't find but still lookies)

Occasional PSX games i may have missed (Rare games :()

X men series (Not evolution :P)


Thats it :P

I'm going to need a bigger HD :lol:


I collect all sorts of things.


Anime music videos (AMV's)

PSX games (Final Fantasy, Megaman, Castlevania)

GBA games (Mainly Megaman and Castlevania)

Anything that has to do with Street Fighter


I just recently deleted about 30 gig's from my HD. Stupid choice probably but I only have one HD and I wanted to play Halo without it looking like a slideshow.


Yup, I dont get them online though. I go to the local comic shop. ;)


PC Games and Appz.

Really there isn´t much more stuff to get..


Already have the N64, MD, GBC, GBA roms I wanted.

Just need to complete my Saturn isos list

PC Games and Appz.

Really there isn´t much more stuff to get..

Thats Very True.

When you have high speed internet, and u feel like you want to do something productive when you're not using it, and u already got all the stuff u wanted. Theres nothing to get anymore ;)


I must have downloaded Rival Schools 2 5 times And deleted it each time :ph34r:


Well since i recently got Cable ;), I've been d/ling a lot


I started getting PC games via Bittorrent

I starter downloading movies same source

occasional roms, mainly MAME roms


Lots of this stuff is too big so im afraid too take up too much space, only a 37 gig hard drive lol


Just pc games and things like that. Nothing else I really collect yet. Well I do have a large collection of Combo vids for all types of games.

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