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Just saw this posted on Slashdot:


I was at the flea market in Oakland yesterday when a pile of EPROMs caught my eye. When I got them home I found that they were prototypes for Colecovision games. A few were unpublished or saw limited runs, like Video Hustler (billiards). Others were fully released, like WarGames. But the crown jewel is what look to be a number of chips with various revisions of Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures in the Park for Atari 2600. This game was never released and has never been seen. It was a port of the version for Colecovision, and this lot of chips also included the Coleco version. So now I have to find someone who can dump EPROMs gently onto a PC so we can play this never-before seen game, which is almost certainly awful.

You can go to the originating article here.


It's good to know there are still many unreleased treasures to be found. I'm still waiting for a playable Sonic Xtreme. :)

  olaf said:
So now I have to find someone who can dump EPROMs gently onto a PC so we can play this never-before seen game, which is almost certainly awful.

This man is my hero.


Sonic Xtreme, the 3-D Sonic game that originated on the Nights engine, then got scraped because Sega Jap is gay, after getting scraped a 2nd attempt with a new engine was made, the engine sucked too much so they couldn't finish it, Sega Saturn and 32X went to craps so sega said fuk a new sonic game, and in the end, released the horrible engine's game titled as "Sonic 3-D Blast".


It has a lot of history, GOOGLE!

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