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Don why do you keep saying this line, "What good are good games if you can't play them?"....... do you honestly think every x360 in the market is broken 24/7? Your acting as if in order to own a x360 you need to get used to sending it back every week to microsoft to get it fixed again >.>.


Also, Home has gotten delayed more times then pamela anderson has gotten laid. The x360 might need $5 a month to play online but it does have good service and capabilities. Another thing, you want to talk about free service? The majority of crap in Home is going to cost $$$, aside that, it's going to be a advertisement WHORE.


You might want to say those numbers for GoW, or any of the upcoming Halo games (and H3), Ninja Gaiden, and Too Human, which I bet will sell on level if not higher then MGS4 because x360 has more customers.

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/me throws flare into middle


I see this slowly turning into flamebait, just a reminder to keep things civil and "discuss". One bit of personal attacks and zis vill be clozed!

Opinions are fine, but there is enough fanboyism in this thread already that I thought I was on the Maxconsole forums. :)


im glad cinder see what i see no need for to get into about the systems and just cuz i said no need to bicker doesnt mean there shouldnt be a forum for either, i just said that cuz every time a topic starts about one system being better than the other a huge flame war happens.

/me throws flare into middle


I see this slowly turning into flamebait, just a reminder to keep things civil and "discuss". One bit of personal attacks and zis vill be clozed!

Opinions are fine, but there is enough fanboyism in this thread already that I thought I was on the Maxconsole forums. :)

i really was trying to keep it calm, but thats IMPOSSIBLE in this forum.


Then everyone b1Tches about nobody posting.


What are you talking about Don? I haven't sensed a presence of flame....they're just worried it'll go in that direction >.>...


Umm, no.


I would say both systems have their own good choice of games. It is only that I can't get pirated games for PS3 that I opt for X360. :)


It is not that I don't support original games. I will only support if it is really worth it. Like GTAIV. I really like it so much that I now order one from Play Asia :(

So let's just say I have a PS3, with it's excellent 4~% Failure Rate and lo and behold, mine stop working after 3 years of practically flawless play. Sony's warrenty ended 2 years previously after my purchase and my store bought warrenty just ran out after 3 years of no problems. What do I do then? Do I send my system back to Sony so they can repair it for a fee ($200+ not counting S+H) or do I buy a new and improved PS3? Then let's say I go with the previous and it suffers a heat related problem, do I go through the hassle of doing it all over again? This time only covering the S+H costs? Then again because Sony can't get their act together of developing a machine that doesn't cool sufficiantely. Now what do I do then? Do I keep spending money on shipping and handling just for them to get it right or what? This mirrors the issues with PS2. My launch PS2 survived for years until one day it stopped working. This was 3 years after I modded it also. With my warrenty voided already (since it was already void after 12 months after I bought it) and not any of the ill-fated R production units, I would have spent more money for Sony trying to fix it then buying a new one. One of my friends had a SCPH-3000x R unit and instead of sending it to Sony, he just bought a new one because all the problems they had at the time.


What your saying applies to all electronics. There are no exceptions. And what about those sratched discs? Well for on, there was a class action suit against MS and they changed it, as seen with 360s with newer disc drives, so the problem doesn't presist unless, through machine or user error, discs end up getting stratched in the 360.


Thats true but the way i was looking at it was more on the fact that 5%<40%. And just about all well produced electronics have lower then a 10% failure rate when done right. But ive read articles where is clearly says that This is Microsofts fault because they wanted to Rush the system out there. So what i was getting at is that since the RRoD is a known Fucck-up due to Microsoft wanting to rush things, this should be a Lifetime warrenty. Unless they will take EVERYONEs 360 back and replace them with Mobos that Do not have this problem, which we all know isnt gonna happen. Those 5% failure rates are usually a few systems that something went wrong, something sony/Microsoft or any other company could control. But the RRoD is a Known problem and the way they fix this is by sending you ANOTHER system that can just as easily get the RRoD. In that same article i mentioned earlier(Which i think was here that i read) It states that when u send the 360, u get another fixed console. So you could have sent in a Falcon mobo and then get a Fixed Xenon mobo instead of a FIXED system.


Sorry, it's fair game the way I (and many others see it). Only difference is Xbox Live is a tried and test formula that works out, while Sony's offering is, in theory, supplying all the Xbox Live Gold benifits for free. Only they say Home will be better then Xbox Live Gold. Their service seems like junk to me because of Sony's track record of promising us something and meeting us half way there. See now, I love Sony televisions, I think their some of the best TVs on the market, but when it comes to gaming, their halfed-ass decisions will eventually catch up to them. I don't think it's justice that PS3 right now is being bought by HD movie consumers then it's supposed core demographic of gamers.


Home isnt a big concern, but all the other features are supposedly coming in future updates, and if they do manage to get in game, invites and in game XMB, then what??


How do you know it will be a $60 dollar title in an American Econemy that's falling. For all we know it might break 79.99 due to it's development costs. Also factor in Konami doesn't get 100% of the profits. They split it 3 ways with Sony (for licensing fees, publishing, promotion+anything else), Konami (possible DLC, promotion, publishing) and Kojima Productions(possible DLC, development, promotion). We also don't know how much they do split it. There are also factors such as the final cut on how much it was being made for. Gaming companies don't release how much they've spent on developing titles unless they wanted too. I don't know how much their spending on MGS4, I'm just assuming that their spending more then 10 Mill given the time it's taken and the raising developer's cost.



And im just using the numbers your putting out there. So with that said, if the game manages to hit that 79.99 price tag, then they would profit even more because im STILL pretty sure that people will buy this game. And using the logic applied earlier, that would be 80 Million Divided by 3 = 27 million. Thats still much more then 10 Million. Maybe Sony is stupid enough to sell a system at a loss but i doubt Konomi would allow themselves to do the same. Specially to such a popular titles like MGS

The PS3 needs an exclusive Onimusha title.

I don't think any system needs another Onimusha title. :)

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