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Blackie just put my mind into words that I could not convey because I just woke up when I typed that.



edit: I'm too friking tired for this :/


TL;DR: Tons of people get a slice of that pie.

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Wow, lot's of people hating on the PS3 in here. It's just not right I tell you. I can't bring a good defense that will sway anyone from one console to another, but I can tell you my reasons for wanting one over the other and how I made my choice in the end.


When the 360 was first announced I thought it would be a much better, more improved version of the original. I wanted one, hands down. I thought it would be the biggest emulation machine ever. Of course.. that didn't happen. Microsoft chose not to have the hard drive as a standard, among other things. So I waited, hoping things would change. While waiting I found out about the Red Ring of Death. Many of my friends have suffered from it, some haven't. The one's who have, have sent theirs in more than once. It's scary hearing this, I don't care who you are. I'd love to play my friends on live, but I will not buy a faulty piece of hardware.


I don't even have hate for the 360, I really dislike how Microsoft has handled the situation. The 3 year extended warranty is a good start, but really, redesign the system. Sony's done it several times, so can Microsoft. Instead they want to focus on the CPU and GPU which is great and all, but it's the overall design that's killing the system, the way it's shaped, components placed on the board, everything. It just needs an overhaul and it wouldn't be a bad idea to release a "Slim" version of sorts to correct these mistakes. If it looks sexy enough and doesn't sound like a jet engine, I'd buy it.


Also, make online play free. I know I know, you pay for what you get. But I pay my cable modem bill for online. That's all I want to do. I go on the PC and play games for free. I'm not paying anyone for that service. Why? Because I'm already paying. I bought the game and I'm paying for my online. That should be it.


So reading these reasons, I guess you figured out why I got the PS3 instead of the 360. Sure I'm not the cool kid in the room with a 360 or Wii, but I like what I bought and it get's used very frequently. Either I'm playing games, watching movies, or surfing the net my PS3 is normally in use. It's on constantly and makes me happy because I can feel comfortable and not think about if it's going to break or not.


My parents get great use out of it as well, they check their mail, watch movies I have on the HDD or stream from my PC, and are always requesting new things for me to put on.


You may shun me for having and liking my PS3, that's fine. I used to feel like I had to defend my purchase, but lately, I'm just happy that I have one. If you're happy with your Wii or 360, that's great. I hope it does everything that you want it to do for you.

Edited by Gouken

FYI retailer profit margins are less than 15%. A $50 piece of software may garner a retailer a $7-$8 profit. This is roughly the same in every industry.

The distributor on the other hand, may make up to 25%. It's all relevant to costs, these may not fit 100% accurately with the games industry, but 50% is an enormous stretch.


Ehh il take the loss about the Profits since i dont know much about it and to keep arguing that point would be quite retarded.


But i havent heard anything bad here about the PS3 except that it doesnt have "Enough" of whatever it is you want. But nobody has has had problems with their PS3. And theres always room for improvement Via FW Updates. The 360 has a year ahead on the PS3 so we'll have to see


Just an update on this RROD thing, I found a related article.


Well it has happened again. You may remember an editorial

Xbox Evolved did back in October 2007 comparing buying an Xbox 360 to making your own crystal meth, well it has unfortunately happened again. This time however is was Xbox Evolved’s one and only Xbox 360 debug unit (used by developers and journalist to test games), however the same process that retail Xbox 360 units has is subjected to Xbox 360 debug units as well.


Full Article

I regret buying a Wii with every bone in my body, it's a dust collector.

This seems to be the general consensus amongst people I know. The only reason they break it out is to play Wii Bowling drinking games.


It's not PS3 hate. It's hating on how Sony handles every situation with the system. But if people want me to hate, then I'll hate. I hate Sony's gaming infrastructer, it's not eons away from Live, but it still isn't up to standard to what Live has set. It's also the subpar attempts to garnar the super gaming/hardcore crowd. Which alot of us are part of without a doubt. The cost is not justifiable if a majority of 3rd party games will come out on both systems and it ends up collecting dust and/or being a Blu-Ray player. The installation of games too is also a turn off to a decent percentage of the crowd as well.


Given the chance, I'd like to own a PS3, but I don't see me owning one for the justification of it's shoddy attempts at being a top online service for free or for the only 2 games (MGS4 and Final Fantasy 13) worth playing.


I do know where your coming from, but 360 offers more value then the PS3 in nearly all fronts. And all I'm going to miss is MGS4 and FF13, I could careless for any hyped PS3 title.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Wii does not have much third party support, if it does, then the games aren't turning out to be very good. The Wii's basic control scheme which consists of the Nunchuck and the Wii-Mote, clearly limits what type of games can be released for it. The Wii also isn't as powerful as the other two consoles, which is why many popular games that are being released, aren't being released on the Wii. The Wii's specs and internal hardware is considered to be of 6th generation status. Notice how some titles are being released only for the Wii and the PS2, because third party gaming companies do not consider the Wii to be at the PS3/360's level. The best Wii games, are made from Nintendo. There are rarely any third party games for the Wii that actually get scores over 8.0 Nintendo likes to over hype exclusives, like Super Smash Brothers, Galaxy, and other exclusive Nintendo titles. The only games the Wii has are made from NIntendo, the 360/PS3 both have great games, but they are shared, and the Wii gets none of that support. Although, the Wii has full backwards compatibility, unlike PS3 and 360 which can only run certain games. It also has Virtual Console, and that is also an asset on the Wii's part. But individually, the Wii has no games, isn't very powerful, and I would honestly consider getting a PS2 over a Wii.



It's not PS3 hate. It's hating on how Sony handles every situation with the system. But if people want me to hate, then I'll hate. I hate Sony's gaming infrastructer, it's not eons away from Live, but it still isn't up to standard to what Live has set. It's also the subpar attempts to garnar the super gaming/hardcore crowd. Which alot of us are part of without a doubt. The cost is not justifiable if a majority of 3rd party games will come out on both systems and it ends up collecting dust and/or being a Blu-Ray player. The installation of games too is also a turn off to a decent percentage of the crowd as well.


Given the chance, I'd like to own a PS3, but I don't see me owning one for the justification of it's shoddy attempts at being a top online service for free or for the only 2 games (MGS4 and Final Fantasy 13) worth playing.


I do know where your coming from, but 360 offers more value then the PS3 in nearly all fronts. And all I'm going to miss is MGS4 and FF13, I could careless for any hyped PS3 title.



Is it just me or do you seem really negative? I mean, I could counter all that, but that's wrong too. I don't hate Sony for being what they are, they are funny, quirky and sometimes just plain weird and wrong, but they're a Japanese company. I won't even begin to understand them because I'm not a part of their culture.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Wii does not have much third party support, if it does, then the games aren't turning out to be very good. The Wii's basic control scheme which consists of the Nunchuck and the Wii-Mote, clearly limits what type of games can be released for it. The Wii also isn't as powerful as the other two consoles, which is why many popular games that are being released, aren't being released on the Wii. The Wii's specs and internal hardware is considered to be of 6th generation status. Notice how some titles are being released only for the Wii and the PS2, because third party gaming companies do not consider the Wii to be at the PS3/360's level. The best Wii games, are made from Nintendo. There are rarely any third party games for the Wii that actually get scores over 8.0 Nintendo likes to over hype exclusives, like Super Smash Brothers, Galaxy, and other exclusive Nintendo titles. The only games the Wii has are made from NIntendo, the 360/PS3 both have great games, but they are shared, and the Wii gets none of that support. Although, the Wii has full backwards compatibility, unlike PS3 and 360 which can only run certain games. It also has Virtual Console, and that is also an asset on the Wii's part. But individually, the Wii has no games, isn't very powerful, and I would honestly consider getting a PS2 over a Wii.


Ha! yet it's outselling both the PS3 and 360. Go figure.


The undeniable fact is that Wii has a large consumer base, I just don't see myself buying one.


And to address the Xbox Live comment, I do agree on it being free. Microsoft makes enough money with their PCs, at that point their being greedy, damn you Mr. Gates.

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