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As we all know, Halloween is just around the corner. So what are you guys doing for Halloween?? ;), my costume rocks


I'm planning to avoid Halloween, but i'm being forced to ;)


I'm not being anything (3rd time in a row)


Masks are too hot and walking around in a costume seems stupid after some houses :ph34r:


Im only interested in the candy, the halloween spirit will come later when I start pranking :lol:


In Addition to this post seeing none of you likez making conservation and Halloween IS coming around the corner ;)


Whats some of the stories or stunts you successfully or tried to pull of in Halloween:


Sadly enough, I would say my friends and I had some failed attempts such as:


Port-a-John Nailed to the ground

Dog Jumped out in night but was held back by electric fence

I Said something....err not appropriate

I opened a door to someone I knew >_<


In england halloween is not taken very seriously.

Like if you knock on someones door and shout "trick or treat" there most likely ignore you or call the cops.

Now i Have grown up i really dont see the need to anser the door to a bunch of kids i dont know and give them sweets or cash just for dressing up.

Then 5 seconds later the same thing happens again.......


Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I couldn't imagine life without it :D. What I don't get is why we don't get school off for it :D


our school does.. well not for halloween but it happens to be a student lead confrence day, so no school on firday. I'm not going trick or treating, I think halloween is stupid and I havent gone since I was little.


i havent dressed up for halloween since i wa in the 5th grade. after that i would just throw a stocking over my head and egg the hell outta people as the walked by my house. teaches them for tryin to steal my candy. :D now that im an old man, i dont pay attention to the holiday anymore. it usually doesnt even dawn on me that it is halloween til some dumb little kids come banging on my door. when that happens i just tell em that i ate all the candy, but i can let them smell the empty wrappers if they want. :D

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