Fatal Rose Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films...language_comics My list of the great, the good, the average, and the bad... The great:Sin CityA History of ViolenceV for VendettaTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Good:Batman BeginsConstantineIron ManThe CrowFantastic Four: Rise of the Silver SurferThe League of Extraordinary GentlemenRoad to PerditionSpider-Man 2 The average:Superman ReturnsSpider-Man 3Spider-ManBatman (1989 film)Blade The Bad:Batman ReturnsBatman ForeverBatman & RobinBlade IIBlade: TrinityAll of the original Superman moviesDick TracyPretty much all other comic book movies
Inky Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 v for vendetta better then the crow and blade?!?!?!?crack is a hell of a drug. I say: Great: the crowbladeSin Citybatman (89)spidermanbatman begins good:x-menxmen IIthe second batmanspiderman IILeague of extraordinary gentlementhe punisher (dolph lungren) so cheesy it's goodcaptain america (so cheesy x2)V for VendettaConstantine average:superman 1 and 2the punisher (jane thomas)fantastic fouriron man blah:everything else. I leave TMNT off the list because it is nothing like the comics, the movie and cartoon are nothing like the original comics. edited to add constantine. I forgot about that one.
Fatal Rose Posted May 7, 2008 Author Posted May 7, 2008 Actually the first movie is very much like the original story arc. (TMNT) As far as the original Batman movies go, to be honest I watched the first two again and they totally suck and are insanely overrated. Batman is nothing like that in the comics. The casting sucks. Michael Keaton was old, short and not athletic at all. They also had Batman kill people which was really really stupid. Jack Nicholson as the joker is dumb, he is way to well known for crazy roles like that. As far as I am concerned that was not the Joker in that movie, it was Jack wearing makeup. Only thing good about the first two Batman movies was the set (background imagery) whatever you call it. The second movie is insanely retarded, the beginning is beyond horrible and Cat-womans origin in the movie is one of the worst things I have ever seen. The first two Batman movies are so over hyped/rated. I honestly do not see whats so good about them. I know the most recent Batman movie had some Cheesiness to it but it was much more a Batman film then the Tim Burton films were.
solidius23 Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 great:crowspiderman 2 iron mansin citybladebatman beginsspidermanxmen goodblade 2blade trinityboth of the punishersxmen 2 mediocre or badall of the supermansspiderman 3hulkxmen 3TMNT all of them
Gouken Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 First I will not be defending my list. It's my own opinion. If you don't like it, make your own list. Great:Spider-ManIron ManGhost RiderDaredevil: Director's CutHellboy Good:ConstantineX-MenSpider-Man 2Sin CityHulk Just Plain Horrible:Spider-Man 3X-Men 3: The Last StandBlade III30 Day's of NightCaptain America (1990)Fantastic Four
Wishdokta Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 (edited) Good :Spider Man I, IIxMen I, IIIron ManSin City Average :Spider Man IIIxMen IIIBatman Begins, ReturnsBladeDaredevilHoward the Duck (don't ask. Just memories)Fantastic FourLeague of Extraord.. Please, no.. :Ghost RiderHulkBlade sequelsCatwomanHellboyElektraeverything SupermanFantastic Four Silversurfer Lookin forward to :Spidey IVIron Man IIAvengersWolverine(G.I. Joe movie) For the comicI leave TMNT off the list because it is nothing like the comics, the movie and cartoon are nothing like the original comics.Hmm. Can remember my silverish printed special booklet of an epic fight between the four and shredder on a roof. Maybe a should look out for current Marvel stuff. Could do a refresh. Edited May 8, 2008 by Wishdokta
Skythe Posted May 8, 2008 Posted May 8, 2008 GoodSin City300ConstantineThe CrowThe Crow 2V for VendettaSpider ManIron ManGhost WorldArt School ConfidentialBatman Batman ReturnsBatman BeginsGhost RiderLeague of Extraordinary GentlemenHellboy BadX-MenX-Men 2X-Men 3Spider Man 2Spider Man 3Batman ForeverBatman & RobinPunisherDaredevilElektraFantastic FourFantastic Four 2SpawnSupermanSuperman 2Superman 3Superman 4CatwomanThe HulkBladeBlade 2Blade 3The Crow 3The Crow 4 Wow, looks like alot of y'all like shitty comic movies. I'm pretty sure there's a few comic films I've left out.
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