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Posted (edited)

BP is fine its the other things $BPM or whatever it is. People here generally want to help even if you think they dont want to. They want to see people work together for a greater good. Just needs to be controlled and time needs to be taken to progress things.... and the right people need to work on the right stuff.


Submit any driver changes you want for control changes eg non keymap stuff like analog sensitvities and reasons why ill add them if they make sense. Also submit any keymap stuff and reason why if they make sense ill add them. If not you are free to release your own stuff its all good I just wont put my name to it. Dont expect it to all go in but if theres not a good reason why it shouldnt go in, it will go in and save me time. Its normally only about 10 percent of your stuff I had issues with and if they were readdressed it would probably be less than 5 percent.

Edited by BritneysPAIRS
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Posted (edited)

Fair enough BP....


How would you like the keymap and other stuff presented? Should I post the relevant code in here with the descriptions on why it should be changed? Or some other way?






To whom it may concern...


Dammit I'm dead again. Who killed me this time?


BTW... I don't recommend using the pimp slap. As funny as that crap is, it's only good for about 1-2 damage. Just like a Wop to bring a pimp slap to a chainsaw fight....

Edited by ressurectionx

rx, why are you not able to change the keymaps in game? any game i have tried i was able to change the keys to the way i wanted them by going into the ingame menu. maybe i am missing something here.

Posted (edited)
  dr99 said:
rx, why are you not able to change the keymaps in game? any game i have tried i was able to change the keys to the way i wanted them by going into the ingame menu. maybe i am missing something here.



Might be true dr99....


I never once used the UI options. Somebody back in the day said that it might not work on one game but might change all of them and even though I've learned a ton since then, I never really thogut about it again. Thing was, I started thinking that I wanted to make fixes that everyone would benefit from and in my mind the only place to do that was the source. Turns out that I think I did a ton more work than I needed, but a lot of it is done on my discontinued build.


Honestly, it's killing me to let my source go, but because I don't know the ways to make the other things that BP has made possible without years of learning C++ that I've just recently decided that I definately don't want to devote so I don't really have a choice. I really like all that I've done, but it just can't be added for my own build at this point unless I had the actual source since 100% of my changes are in the source code.


I renamed every single rom so US games were perfect and Japan/Europe/World type roms had "(Japan/Europe/World)" attached to their names if people wanted to switch between "US Mode" and "Parent Mode" since some people voiced concerns that they might want the parent in, instead of the US rom like I wanted it. I also cleaned up all of the Years and Manufacturer names perfectly so they looked great in "Sort by Manufactuer" and "Sort by Year" mode.


I was going to fix a few games which had the wrong number of players for the sort by player mode, but I hadn't figured out how to do that yet, or even really gotten to it is probably more accurate.


I made changes to games that I wanted on a lot of the old drivers like Pac-Man and Moon Patrol that automatically gave me the max amount of lives without having to go into UI options to do it, also the best options for extra lives (5 lives for Pac-Man woot!)..... plus with all the cocktail flipping changes I was making I also made every game that benefited from them automatically start in cocktail mode (which didn't flip the screen, but it did switch control for the second player to the second joystick). Games like Bagman, I even had to change the native rotate code to flip the screen because both players were upside down after making the flip change effecting it....


Even thought I'm letting it go, it still was an awesome experience being able to manipulate as much as I had. I learned a ton and even though I'm letting it go there was a ton of little victories along the way that really felt good after droughts of nothing excellent coming for a long time.


It was an awesome idea, I think, to fix the 2 player control flip, since before when you had to press start on the 2nd player controller and then you had to throw the controller back and forth between lives on games like Pyros (Wardner), Black Tiger, Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Strider, Pac-Man, Bagman, Galaga, Centipede, Moon Patrol, etc. because both players were controlled on the first controller.* Now, if the fix BP put in works without any bugs and he keeps it in, all of these games will switch control perfectly from 1st player to 2nd player just like if you were playing XPorts NES emulator.


Even though I put all that work into it, I'll gladly give it all up for BP's new fixes that I can't add, particularly if I can make an awesome patch that will add all the games he doesn't want with all the keymapping fixed on them. Glad I could suggest some good things to put in and I hope to be able to contribute more to the project now that I've learned a little.






* My brother hated flipping the controller. I didn't like it either, but it never bothered me much, but I thought that other people playing it two players might have people they know that thought it was lame. That's when I came up with the disabling screenflip idea to get it to work since cocktail did flip control to the 2nd player. Turns out it's just five minute of code, but since I don't know crap, it took me over a month to get 300 of them working. Any game like Galaga with bullets both ways I was never able to figure out. Other ones like Pyros I started to figure out, but I was doing major hacking on the video driver for that game and (i think) tigerheli to get it to work right. At one point I had the sprites inside out, and the graphics 80 percent off the screen. But hey... it was finally right side up for both players...lol. It's crazy how much you can screw up games when you unlock the power of the debug box.

Edited by ressurectionx
  ressurectionx said:
To whom it may concern...


Dammit I'm dead again. Who killed me this time?


BTW... I don't recommend using the pimp slap. As funny as that crap is, it's only good for about 1-2 damage. Just like a Wop to bring a pimp slap to a chainsaw fight....

Even though it's completely off topic...


You have been dead since you were banned.


I have healed you.


The pimp slap takes off about the same as the level you're on.

You can take off 1, I can take off over 1800.


At your level, you should use maximum power at all times.

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