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You can upgrade to 3.90 if you want. No big arguments for or against it. To use the Network Update feature just select it from the PSP Menu (XMB) and follow the prompts. Keep the AC plugged in and there's little to no risk.




Audition Portable

Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles

Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars

DJ Max Portable 1 & 2

Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition

Guilty Gear Judgment (Jap version has XX Slash included, English only X2 #Reload)

Mega Man: Powered Up & Maverick Hunter X

Metal Gear Ac!d 2

Metal Slug Anthology (for MS6)

Puyo Pop 15th Anniversary

Sega Rally Revo

Silent Hill Origins

Sonic Rivals 1 & 2

Taiko no Tatsujin

Tekken Dark Resurrection

Ultimate Ghouls n Ghosts

Vampire Chronicles: The Chaos Tower

Wipeout Pulse

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Yeah, go ahead and update to 3.90 M33. It's been perfectly fine for me.



Gaemz naow

Armored Core Formula Front Extreme Battle

Coded Arms Contagion

Dungeon Siege - Throne Of Agony

Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories/Vice City Stories



Me and My Katamari

Metal Gear Solid - Portable Ops

Monster Hunter Freedom 2

Ratchet And Clank - Size Matters


Socom Fire Team Bravo 2

Sonic Rivals

Syphon Filter - Logan's Shadow

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

Untold Legends - Brotherhood Of The Blade


I take a pass on all fps on PSP. I never could get the hang of FPS with one analog stick (yep that includes N64 and DC.)

anyways I got this mostly for emulation so best versions of SNES, GBA GEN, ect please!


Ok following the readme with Gba whatever it says put the folder in psp/150 I did that, added the bios and some roms but it won't load. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong... this stuff was so easy back in the 1.5 days.


I remember there is an emulator for GBA called uoGBAsp. Can't remember the exact name but it worked well for me.


Most emulators now can be put in the GAME folder and run from there. Try that, Inky.

I take a pass on all fps on PSP. I never could get the hang of FPS with one analog stick (yep that includes N64 and DC.)

anyways I got this mostly for emulation so best versions of SNES, GBA GEN, ect please!


No PSX emulation?


I take a pass on all fps on PSP. I never could get the hang of FPS with one analog stick (yep that includes N64 and DC.)

anyways I got this mostly for emulation so best versions of SNES, GBA GEN, ect please!


No PSX emulation?

maybe if it works well and isn't rocket science to set up. not much on psx I haven't played that I want to try.


finally figured it out, I had tried placing emulators in psp/game psp/game150 and psp/game380. but it turns out I had to install a kernal 1.5 patch. thats done and now snes gba and cps2 are working! I don't like having to convert all the cps2 roms and basically having 2 sets on my MS. so I'll prolly skip cps2 for now, snes and gba is rocking though. Haven't set up genesis or anything else yet.


I take a pass on all fps on PSP. I never could get the hang of FPS with one analog stick (yep that includes N64 and DC.)

anyways I got this mostly for emulation so best versions of SNES, GBA GEN, ect please!


No PSX emulation?

maybe if it works well and isn't rocket science to set up. not much on psx I haven't played that I want to try.

It works perfectly and requires only a simple converter (You'll need a certain 'base.pbp'... best not ask for that here) to turn your PSX ISOs into PSP EBOOTs.

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