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Dracula X (Castlevania) on PC Engine....pretty cool. Great music too.


I always preffered this game to symphony of the night,great gameplay,graphics and great tunes.also worth checking out is castlevania on the x68000x emu(shap x68000).another great game.

ive been playing rtype on hugo-x,probably the best port of rtype on any system.i prefer this version to the recently released rtype dimensions on the 360.

also had a quick blast of geikedo on the the gba emu.


Dracula X (Castlevania) on PC Engine....pretty cool. Great music too.


I always preffered this game to symphony of the night,great gameplay,graphics and great tunes.also worth checking out is castlevania on the x68000x emu(shap x68000).another great game.

ive been playing rtype on hugo-x,probably the best port of rtype on any system.i prefer this version to the recently released rtype dimensions on the 360.

also had a quick blast of geikedo on the the gba emu.


Have to check that out....



Just started playing kid dracula special for famicom and the megaman wily wars sram fix on neogenesis, an ips patch is up on romhacking.net which was released recently that fixes the sram so you can beat the 3 megaman remakes, and get the cutscene and start on wily's tower. Apparently there was an issue with sram emulation so it's cool that someone fixed it.




Now playing the (in)famous Kid Chameleon on NeoGenesis.

What a hell of a difficult game (I always play without save states).


And thinking in start Fester's Quest (Addam's Family) for NES.

The one which is like a "top view" adventure, not the other two games

that are side scrollers.



Now playing the (in)famous Kid Chameleon on NeoGenesis.

What a hell of a difficult game (I always play without save states).


And thinking in start Fester's Quest (Addam's Family) for NES.

The one which is like a "top view" adventure, not the other two games

that are side scrollers.




if you play fester's quest for nes you will notice it's almost like blaster master in terms of sounds, it uses some of the same sounds as blaster master does, lmao. I think fester's quest uses the same mapper as blaster master as both games were made by same developer.




been playin mahou daisakusen on fbaxxx pro,its a good shooter but why oh why when raizing made dimahoo on the cps2 board could they not have made it a proper sequel to this game instead of an updated remix of the same game from 6 years earler.

been playin mahou daisakusen on fbaxxx pro,its a good shooter but why oh why when raizing made dimahoo on the cps2 board could they not have made it a proper sequel to this game instead of an updated remix of the same game from 6 years earler.


I'll have to check that out fu, looks like we're both big fans of shooters. :D




For xbox, I have been playing Star Wars: KotOR

and I have been going through many mame games lately on the new CoinOps (thankts BP and contributors) like Street Fighter 1/2 and Alpha 3, also King of the Monsters 2 :D


Playing Elevator action returns in CoinOPS Ignite, does anyone else get a flashing shadow from the

main character while playing this. Game runs sweet other than that...Cool game

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