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First off:


Hello all! :D


Since I couldn't find anything on the matrimelee.dat for kawaks by searching on this forum, I must ask about it instead:


Does anyone have this file? I have Win Kawaks 1.47b, freshly downloaded, and a copy of matrimelee.zip (seems like neorageX version), can I just rename the files in the.zip to comply with kawaks?


Thanks in advance :D




you need a kawakas loader.


and an older version of the emualtor...


Unless the new kawaks has updated its roms...

Ill dig around for some links for you.

Thx! Btw, could I just use the NeorageX rom in Kawaks?


Most likely, NO. Since a lot of times the roms inside are quite different. You can try it, but I doubt it would work.

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