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Fusa Build 41


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Change Log



* UMD compatibility improved

* Every game now works fine while plugin is disabled :shootem:

* Fullscreen mode # 1 added (Tested with SAMSUNG LCD 16:9 - works fin:) )

* No more crash on exit



Now it "works" with Iron Man, read README for more details!

Ummm, what is this?

So what does FuSa do?

It allows you to play games on ANY TV over ANY cable.

( composite, component, svideo, d-terminal )

All kinds of cables are supported!

Besides that, it allows you to play on full screen area!


Wow, any TV?!? *scrambling to download now*


Good news for people like me with standard TV :ph34r:


Have try this out.


A commendable effort but games are virtually unplayable as it is too slow.

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