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Pete´s OpenGL2 GPU-Plugin for the PSX Emulators


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Change Log

May, 2008 Version 2.09


- This release is basically an "ePSXe birthday" version: after a long

time the ePSXe team wanted to make an update to their main emu, and

to improve the compatibility with some games. One of the compatibility

fixes had to be done in the gpu plugins, so, well, I had to fire up

my compilers as well... I don´t wanted to let ´em down, eh? Smile

Since my free time is somewhat limited, I have not made many other

changes, though (at least in the last weeks... I cannot remember what

I´ve done the last years in the gpu plugins, so I basically hope that

I didn´t mess something up.


- First, the mentioned game fix. This will prevent lock ups in certain

games (for example "Dukes of Hazzard" or "Hot wheels turbo racing").

The main emu can enable this fix by a new gpu interface function

automatically, for other emus you can enable the "special game fix"

manually in the gpu config window (the fix is called "Fake ´gpu busy´



- The main emu can use a new gpu interface function, to enable the

gpu´s "FPS limitation" automatically. Why? Because most new psx emu

users seem to have problems with the "FPS" concept, and are unable to

activate the correct settings (just as a reminder: "higher FPS" is not

equal to "smoother display" in psx emulation).


- Nagisa from SSSPSX added new frame limit timings to the Peops soft gpu

plugin. I have put this timings into my hw/accel plugins as well,

let´s see what will happen.

The differences are small, though: in non-interlaced modes the automatic

FPS timings are now set to 49.76 FPS (PAL) or 59.82 FPS (NTSC).


- calb of the ePSXe team suggested to add a "visual rumble" feature to

the gpu plugins: whenever the pad vibration kicks in, the display should

also start to shake. Ok, done... just remember, you have to enable this

feature in the main emu (pad configuration window), not in the gpu config.

And, of course, in some games the visual rumble can get very annoying... :)


- Last but not least a "most wanted" feature for widescreen users:

PSX games have usually a 4:3 width/height ratio. Therefore a 16:10

fullscreen mode (example: 1680x1050) will stretch the display in

an ugly way. If your monitor or your gfx card driver has no option to

display 4:3 modes correctly, you can now set a proper 4:3 "window

size" (in our example: 1400x1050) and activate the new "Use window size

in fullscreen mode" option in the plugin.

That will produce a proper display, of course with black borders on the

left and right sides of your monitor, but hey :)


- Ah, and another note for ATI users: please update to Catalyst 8.5 to

avoid glitches!

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