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Clrmamepro 3.115 is a rom manager.


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Change Log



* added: NoIntro´s 1G1R mode (related to the regions/languages modes from 3.114) This can be enabled in settings (for region/language dats only)

* added: set information shows set description or optionally set name now

* added: Rebuilder Beep

* added: more support for sample-only sets

* misc: set information tree is now sorted alphabetically after setdescription (not setname)

* misc: renamed "Show All Missing" sets to "Hide Fully-Missing Sets" and inverted the behaviour

* misc: sample parents which aren´t listed (e.g. MAME´s alphamc07) are added as sample-only sets

* misc: settings import button is only available for rom/sample paths

* misc: reading archives is done in an own thread

* misc: hash calculators run calculation md5/crc/sha1 in parallel in 3 threads

* misc: chd verifyer runs md5/sha1 calculation in parallel in 2 threads

* misc: rebuilding with addpaths doesn´t reopen progresswindows per addpath anymore (´minimize & forget´)

* misc: unneeded check detects sample-only sets in rompath and viceversa

* fixed: very poor performance when background tasks exist running in IDLE mode

* fixed: xml datfiles which may be parsable with a different engine.cfg aren´t listed in the profiler

* fixed: datfile´s forcemerge mode didn´t affect merger

* fixed: addpath removes created empty rebuilder destination folder, so following addpaths fail

* fixed: xml dats with size="-" are wrongly parsed

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