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Well, I finally got a PSP. One of the things I'm most looking forward to doing is playing all my old PS1 games on the go. I'm curious about multi-disk games though. How does disc changing work? I don't want to play all the way through the first disc of a game only to realize that that's as far as I'll get to go.


2 ways:


1. the multi discs game came in multiple eboots. So, if you are playing Disc 1 of FFVII and finished it, save and the system ask you to input Disc 2, you exit and put the 2nd eboots in and run.


2. Or you find an eboot that expand across all the discs. The file will be big but you can do disc swapping in the game itself. FFVII came at 2GB+ so you need at least 4GB to accomodate this.


Arrgh! Already I hit a problem! So I tried loading a game, and it tells me that "The game could not be started" (80010002). What the hell? I'm running on CFW 3.90 M33-2. Anyone know what's up?


The files need to be in a folder with a short name (try and keep it real short, no spaces), inside your PSP/GAME folder.


That error is almost always to do with the files not being int he right place.

The files need to be in a folder with a short name (try and keep it real short, no spaces), inside your PSP/GAME folder.


That error is almost always to do with the files not being int he right place.


Thanks. I think I just had the file in the wrong folder...



Off topic a bit, but I'm trying to get various emulators running. When i get the emulator, and un-rar it, there are both 1.0 and 1.5 versions. Using the FW I'm running, which should I use? They keep coming up as "data corrupted."


Got a Fat PSP? Create a folder called PSP/GAME150 folder and put all your 1.50 homebrew in that, instead of the usual PSP/GAME folder.


Anything in GAME150 runs with the 1.50 kernel, so it's good for all the apps that were designed for 1.50.


I upgraded to 3.90 M33-2 and i started getting Errors, Emus not working and PS1 games not working either. I went back to 3.52 M33-4 and everything is fine. Try downgrading


I got the same issue like Don too. A lot of PSX eboots can't run on 3.90 when they are able to. How do I downgrade to 3.80? Is pandora needed?

Guys use POPS Loader to load old PortablePlayStation versions without needing to downgrade.



Uh...I don;t want to sound like an idiot, but I'm not really sure what to do with that. I'm sure a lot of this stuff is pretty easy to figure out if I messed around with it a bit, but I'm just worried after hearing so many stories about crashing and bricking. The only real issue I've got now is that I cannot for the life of me get SNES9x to work. I've tried a dozen different versions in all the various game folders, and still nothing! Am I missing something?

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