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I played a game called Muppet race mania and its work good with Daemon tools but when I burn the image in to a compact disk and set the drive, the screen showing blank. the image format are IMG and CCD. I used power ISO to burn them. power ISO don't support CCD file, I burn the img file. so what software do I use to burn it to a CD? or why the same CD image working with daemon tools but not working in real CD drive?

power iso works great with iso file.

Posted (edited)

Ahhh I posted something about region, i missed that you were running an emu not an actual ps. My bad. Change the CD pluggin for another that could help or how are you burning your CD.

Edited by Tynvar
Ahhh I posted something about region, i missed that you were running an emu not an actual ps. My bad. Change the CD pluggin for another that could help or how are you burning your CD.


CD plug ins which I am using now, its detecting the drive in daemon tools or real drive. so if its run the daemon tools drive so why not its not detect the real drive. And I also tried different plug ins. both are doing same thing.

the burning process start when I found the software and the image does its support. when I open the image with POWERISO, its displaying exactly the same thing which daemon tools display. then I press burn for burn it to CD. its complete the burning process and eject the CD, and again its displaying the same thing like daemon tools after mounting an image when I insert the real CD. so what's going wrong.

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