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My fellow Canadians, a matter of the greatest importance has come to our attention. TOMORROW (June 4th, 2008) new laws will be passed by the Canadian government which will effectively OUTLAW the use of modchips and flash carts, among other things.

This new copyright reform in the form of the Canadian DMCA has been influenced by US lobby groups rather than the voice of the Canadian people. What we're faced with is legislation that is potentially even more extreme than that of the US DMCA which is what allows the RIAA, MPAA, etc to function in the United States as they do.


This would be a blow not only to Canada, civil rights, and copyright law, but also YOUR rights, this fine community, and all of the businesses that make their living by selling said products. Our digital way of life would effectively come to a stop. They're even going as far as proposing a minimum $500 fine per incident. While copyright reform is an important issue, this is not the way to go about it.


In response to this backdoor policy-making a growing movement and coalition has been actively pursuing making the Canadian voice heard in this legislative process. All is NOT lost; they previously attempted to impose similar legislation back in December but this very movement's response stopped them in their tracks. We MUST speak up! We MUST make ourselves heard before it's too late!


As such the Canadian Coalition for Electronic Rights has created a simple pre-written letter sending service that will allow for us to be heard. I implore any and all Canadians to use this service to send a letter to Prime Minister, Stephen Harper; Jim Prentice, Minister of Industry; and Josee Verner, Minister of Canadian Heritage TODAY before we have no tomorrow.

Source: http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=891...=0#entry1186871


Also, you should read: http://www.modchip.ca/cdmca_letter_wizard.html


And thanks to Digg: http://digg.com/gaming_news/URGENT_MESSAGE...fe_is_in_danger


Please post your comments and your thoughts.

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I'm not worried

Why is that? Please explain. ;)


It was only a matter of time before the U.S. forced Canada to do this.


The corporations of America are moving against all the people of the entire world!


I'm not worried

Why is that? Please explain. ;)


Mostly cause it won't be enforced very well


if this works than going to canada over the summer just got meaningless

It was only a matter of time before the U.S. forced Canada to do this.


The corporations of America are moving against all the people of the entire world!

You should write letters to your dudes, too. Tell 'em they need to start gunning down Americans. They'll be all over the idea, trust me.

Mostly cause it won't be enforced very well

This is what I meant when I said the RCMP won't do a thing. You know our download laws? No one will bother about that either. It's too grey.


Mostly cause it won't be enforced very well

This is what I meant when I said the RCMP won't do a thing. You know our download laws? No one will bother about that either. It's too grey.


I've had friends get busted for drugs but yet the police never care about the stacks of burned game's and dvd's on their table or the hacked satalite receivers .

I doubt anything at all will happen to anyone they even catch (or he/she confesses, it is Canada).


well I think that flash carts, even though most are made soley for ROM use, they can still be used for homebrew. The Cooperations want to control the market therefore in an effect of being a monopolist.

Greedy people rule the world is all that I can say...

I've had friends get busted for drugs but yet the police never care about the stacks of burned game's and dvd's on their table or the hacked satalite receivers .

I doubt anything at all will happen to anyone they even catch (or he/she confesses, it is Canada).

They've actually cut down on hacked receivers about 8 years ago when a bill was passed to block sales of grey market recivers and dishes. But in the last 5 years, RCMP doesn't bother to catch and find both users and dealers of grey market items like those. Illegal, but not as much that everyone does, because apparently there are still alot of customers who buy into Bell's offerings while 5-6% of the market use FTA boxes and hacked recievers. Bell does have a way to fight back though, they've been trying to up their encryption methods in the last 2 years. Their still on the old NAGRA 2 system, which is still easily hackable.

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