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HP15C v1.0.6 Released!


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HP15C is a HP 15 C Calculator Emulator for Windows.


Version 1.0.6

(Jun 08) Eng Number 1E-9 was displayed as 0 HP15C.zip

(Windows Zip File 715 kB)

Version 1.0.4

(Dez 07) Bug in x! fixed

Version 1.0.3

(March 07) Sound on / off (right mouse key)

Version 1.0.2

(Feb 07) Decimal point input with point and comma possible

Version 1.0.1

(Feb 07) Bug % Calculation Fixed, Sto*,Sto+, etc. implemented

»» Download / Information


Thanks to our affiliate, AEP-Emulation, for the news!

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