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Any Samurai Shodown players here ?

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Hi everyone,


I'm looking for some Samurai Shodown 5 players. Are there any here? I'm looking for some good competition.

I can play either on kaillera, kaillerap2p or 2DF. Just feel free to message me.



Edited by caine128
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Not sure. GGPO + FBA would be the way to go if you wanted to play online.


Welcome to the forums and btw, you spelled your sig wrong.


MAn u sure know that GGPO does only support SS2. If u wanna play SS5 GGPO is out out question at least for now .

Btw ı really dont know what is that sig ı just copy pasted it from somewhere coz it seemed cool to me . U show me the right one plz.

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