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Like almost every other being on this planet with functional eyes and opposable thumbs, I've spent the last month playing Grand Theft Auto IV and neglecting my loved ones.


I've only just now gotten beyond the novelty factor of Liberty City enough to honestly consider the game itself, and I have reluctantly come to this conclusion:


It is crap.


It's repetitive, poorly implemented, riddled with design flaws, awkward, and above all, glitchy. Yet I understand every word of gushing praise. Everything the reviewers say about the city and its scale is absolutely true.


It's the little things that do it to you: Like how the fast food workers at the various restaurants actually have different duties. They come out from behind the counter and clean the tables. They sweep the sidewalks out front and wash the windows. Cars actually break down--even when they're not yours. I've driven by several random civilians causing massive traffic jams, standing in front of their overheated vehicles completely befuddled. This city is the closest gaming has ever come to a real place, a real New York. The flyers, the newspaper stands, and the grime--all of these aspects pile up to make a truly living, breathing environment.


It is indeed one of the single most impressive achievements in gaming ... so it's just too bad that Rockstar layered an irreparably flawed game on top of it.


It shouldn't surprise anyone. The actual gameplay in Grand Theft Auto IV is nearly identical to every GTA before it, and gameplay has never been their strong suit. They've added and tweaked, to be sure, but it's almost universally for the worse. Or maybe the flaws just stand out more this time because of how great it could have been. In any case, here are the five most infuriating...


Click to read full article.

Needless to say I agree with every word of this guy's criticism. Read the full article and see what you think.



Source: http://www.cracked.com/article_16404_5-rea...-ever-made.html


Well, i would say he is retarded and do not know how to control the game. THe cover system is not as flawed as he perceived it to be and I do not have problems with the jump. Have not try online so can't comment.


THe missions are repetitive but it still fun when it is punctuated with witty conversations. Of course, if you fail the same mission 3 - 4 times you would have listen to all the different conversations by then :-)


Three Leaf Clover is a perfect example of everything he talks about.


The cover system, especially in the subway part, is ridiculously unresponsive.

There are no checkpoints in this crazily long and difficult mission.

The drive from Packie's house to the bank is long and I was sick of hearing about incest and club feet by the end of it.


Ahh, that particular mission is an arse. But it doesn't mean the system didn't work in the rest of the mission.


I've never experianced some of those problems he mentions.

After a long chase, I'll frequently see my enemies hitting the jump button to step up a curb, and instead go flailing off of a bridge.

WTF is he talking about here. you don't have to jump to step onto a curb. that may be half his problem right there.

my main problem is how damn slow Nico walks, and how he rounds a corner like he's swimming through slightly melted butter.


The only reason "Three Leaf Clover" took me many tries was because the first couple I had no armor. Other than that there were no problems. He sucks at GTA if he's making those kind of comments.

Rockstar games never had a great developer team, their games are just based on "coolness", that's about it, that's their point of sale. I mean, who didn't like "The Sopranos" ?? Anyone can make games for XBox today, the dev kit is practically child-proof. They need better coders, and maybe they could make a game that is actually good game instead iof just being cool and plot taken from movies and newspaper.

I agree with the statement above for the most part.

You can see and feel the potential in GTA's gameply engine, it's just not fully there yet. This game appeals to hardcore to casual gamers because of the quote above and because it's a simple yet massive game.

Rockstar games never had a great developer team, their games are just based on "coolness", that's about it, that's their point of sale. I mean, who didn't like "The Sopranos" ??


Me. The Wire made the Sopranos look like a flocking joke.


I've only just now gotten beyond the novelty factor of Liberty City enough to honestly consider the game itself, and I have reluctantly come to this conclusion:


It is crap.


What a complete genius! It's only took him a full month to realise that GTA4 is just a rehash of all the others with a little extra in the gfx/game size department. That was apparent from 30 minutes in to it.


And, I don't care what anyone says, they messed up the driving. Yes, I got used to it, but it was never once as fun as throwing an old Sabre Turbo around a corner in VC.


The driving is more realistic now. You cannot made a good cornering without a proper car. Don't expect using an ambulance to make a U-turn so nicely now :( Get used to it.

The driving is more realistic now. You cannot made a good cornering without a proper car. Don't expect using an ambulance to make a U-turn so nicely now :( Get used to it.

Realisitc =/= fun


i know this is off topic but i wish they make a gta based on some Asian dude

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