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DSP v0.8 Beta 2 Released!


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Sinclair emulator


This emulates a number of platforms to various degrees, see here.


• General

+NEW: Added digital sound VLM-5030 chip (based on MAME)

+NEW: Added audio TMS36XX chip (based on MAME)

+NEW: Added DAC audio (based on MAME)

+NEW: M6809 - Supported a flag that indicates when processor is doing a opcode fetch or simple data load

+ENHANCE: Now sprites (even the big ones) can have non standar sizes (for example 8x16)

+BUG: YM2203 - Fixed a bug closing the emulator

+ENHANCE: Updated to Zipforge 4.04

+BUG: Video 2X works again (only for arcade)

+ENHANCE: Added video effects Scanlines and Scanlines 2X (only for arcade)

• Phoenix

+NEW: Added music sounds (songs)

+NEW: Added digital audio (shoot, ship explosion)

• Commando

+ENHANCE: Fixed background

+BUG: Controls are crazy, and I don't know why

• Yie Ar Kung-Fu

+NEW: Added VLM-5030 digital audio

• City Connection

+BUG: Fixed X axis inversion of sprites

• Pooyan

+BUG: Fixed sound

• Jungler

+BUG: Fixed sound

+BUG: Shoots did not shown at the bottom of the screen

• Burger Time:

+NEW: Added driver with sound

• Express Raider

+NEW: Added driver, missing YM3526

• Super Basketball

+NEW: Added driver with sound

+BUG: sprite problems (looks like a M6809 bug)

+BUG: Audio from SN-76496 don't stop (looks like a M6809 bug)

• Lady Bug

+NEW: Added driver with sound

»» Download / Information

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