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Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting

Fatal Fury Special


800MSP each. :) Apart from those and VF5 I can't think of any fighters atm :/

I remember you have SF2? If you have, let me get it and let us bash each other while waiting for SFIV and SSF2THD :)


guilty gear on xbox originals, soul caliber is supposed to release on live with in the next few weeks. maybe as soon as this wednesday if the current trend of putting up a page on xbox.com one week before release of xbla games continues.

guilty gear on xbox originals, soul caliber is supposed to release on live with in the next few weeks. maybe as soon as this wednesday if the current trend of putting up a page on xbox.com one week before release of xbla games continues.

Soulcalibur? Thought we are going to see Soulcalibur IV soon? That would be a waste if I get it now. Guilty Gear? The original one on PSX? Why can't they release GG Slash or Accent Core, at least? :)


its GG:x2 1200 points is a bit steep though. I have it but I had a bunch of points burning a hole in my pocket. soul caliber is a direct port of the DC version. supposed to be 800 points.


SoulCalibur is out this week. GGX2 #Reload is out, but only in America and Asia. I cannot download it from my Live account, and can't get any MSP in my dupe accounts either. :/


We should all get SoulCalibur and play it. I likely won't get SC4 for a while... no way I'm going to pay the new release price for that.


Damn, after yesterday, I am game for Soulcalibur <_< It is a pity I can't download SSF2T on my region. I mean, WTF?!? I can't play SF2???

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