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Because GTA games always get perfect scores. It's because of the open-ended world design that lets you do anything within its massive sandbox of crap. Unfortunately, all that most people do is jack a car, go on a rampage, and lol/gripe about it when the cops kick their ass.

Am I the only person whose play style in GTA is to AVOID killing unnecessarily?

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  Chibi Kami said:
Am I the only person whose play style in GTA is to AVOID killing unnecessarily?


You aren't the only one, and I actually try to drive without damaging anyone else's car.


Killing people mostly only comes out from boredom.

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  Side said:
Actually, without online play, this game is basically Grand Theft Auto III with better graphics. Why did this game get a 10/10?


I thought they were all just GTAIII with better gfx? Apart from the addition of swimming/helis there hasn't really been much of a change of anything.

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  gavin19 said:
  Side said:

Actually, without online play, this game is basically Grand Theft Auto III with better graphics. Why did this game get a 10/10?


I thought they were all just GTAIII with better gfx? Apart from the addition of swimming/helis there hasn't really been much of a change of anything.


Well, the last two were exactly that. Vice City and San Andreas were basically subtitles to GTAIII. GTAIV though, is actually new sounding.

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  BlackKnight said:
Because it has the type of appeal to attract more people to playing it than most other games have.


I find 10/10 for this game apalling btw.


It's a sign that game reviewers fail to overlook the hype of a game and review the game standalone, and take away the extra points the game gets for the hype it is composed of. Each review of an overhyped game, gets 1.5 extra points for the hype alone, whereas Metal Gear Solid 4, is legitimately in the 9 area.

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  Side said:
  BlackKnight said:

Because it has the type of appeal to attract more people to playing it than most other games have.


I find 10/10 for this game apalling btw.


It's a sign that game reviewers fail to overlook the hype of a game and review the game standalone, and take away the extra points the game gets for the hype it is composed of. Each review of an overhyped game, gets 1.5 extra points for the hype alone, whereas Metal Gear Solid 4, is legitimately in the 9 area.

Dude they've been doing that for a long while.

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Well, I would say GTAIV should get a score in the region of 8 - 9. Not perfect.

I like the graphic look, i like the open-endness but the gameplay variety is still the same; go from point A to B, shoot/kill/rob then escape. The inclusion of taxis to take you to your destination is a plus though.

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I think the main difference apart is how much it improve from the core elements of 3D GTA series. Aside from next-gen graphics, we see a huge improvement in story telling, a lot of added features such as utilizing the Euphoric engine (realistic physics), more destructable environment, and for the first time, the GTA world felt more alive than all their predecessors. Then there's more added side quests you can do on your spare time like internet dating/web browsing, Assassin missions(unless it's already been done I forgot), TV viewing, club shows, etc. The point is, I think it deserve a 10 is because it's not really consider revolutionary nor it's a rehash of the previous GTAs, but how much fun GTAIV is with all these new contents together. It's just another step in the GTA series, not big but warrant enough to make this a perfect streak game.


Like all previous GTA series, GTA3 got a 10 because it set the standard for open sandbox gameplay, then GTA:VC improved upon that with some better story telling (protagonist who no longer a mute), better music, added new vehicles (boats, non-hidden planes)which again deserve another perfect 10. Onto GTA:SA, what can we say much that hasn't sad before: again improve more deeper story telling, went over the line of open box gameplay with some necessary changes, a huge world map to explore, yadda yadda. And now, the latest installment of the franchise, it's expected to follow that same direction. That direction of improving upon many things that make this a worthy game where everyone can enjoy the next GTA without feeling bad of wasting their money.

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