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Along with Doom 4, and a new Quake game, a new Wolfenstein title has been mentioned as being in development at Raven by id's CEO Todd Hollenshead amogst others, but GameInformer has the first screens. TBA simultaneous release for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.




Check here for more scans.



Source: ePrison.de


I think I have really had enough of FPS for awhile.


Returning to Castle Wolfenstein. Here's to hoping the MP is as addictive and balanced as ET.


Seriously it should be called Returning to Castle Wolf :V


Screw that, I want to know more about Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. Turn the page dammit.

I just hope it's going to be as supernatural as the previous one.

It's going to be more. BJ Blazkowicz has super powers in this one.


BJ Blazkowicz has super powers in this one.


Are you serious? :peopleseybrow:

Mandetory reply: Yes.

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