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Beta 5:


- avi recording crash if only audio recording was enabled

- native dll support fixed

- do not enable second Z3 board if RAM limit reached (=decrease Z3 size) and Z3 size is smaller than 256M (4M+2M combination for example is quite stupid..)

- adjusted max RAM limit calculation (max RAM + max page file instead of currently available RAM + max page file)

- sound adjustments, previously it was possible to lock non-safe portion of directsound sound buffer causing glitches in some cases (which may or may have never happened)

- SuperEagle, Super2xSaI and 2xSaI 32-bit color support added

- disable filter if filter size multiplier is too big for configured display size (instead of overflowing buffers..)

- resolution and doubling setting change on the fly updates filter centering

- added -ddsoftwarecolorkey command line option. Workaround for buggy Intel integrated laptop chipset Vista graphics driver causing non- transparent (pink rectangle) RTG hardware cursor

- (new AHI driver will be only available after 1.5.1)



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