Mr.X Posted December 6, 2003 Posted December 6, 2003 Pilgrim Pig said: Can someone help me. My mslug4 rom does not have the c7 or c8 files and the c5,c6 and s1 crc are wrong.How do i generate the correct crc for kawax 251-c5p.bin CDC7E50A251-c6p.bin 6B4517BC251-c7p.bin F6D7A38A251-c8p.bin C823E045251-s1p.bin A9446774 ThanksUse MSlug4n instead of Real Bout FF 2 or The Last Blade 2, in hex editing C5 & C6 roms sizes (& M1 size if you use RBFF2). System: NEORomName: mslug4nGame: Metal Slug 4 (Decrypted C & V)Parent: mslug4 [Program]263-p1.bin,0,100000,27e4def3,0263-p2.bin,100000,400000,FDB7AED8,0 [Text]263-s1.bin,0,20000,A9446774,0 [Z80]263-m1d.bin,0,10000,69FEDBA1,0 [samples]263-v1.bin,0,400000,C1B2AF81,0263-v2.bin,400000,400000,CBBDC6FA,0263-v3.bin,800000,400000,C4F1A3CC,0263-v4.bin,C00000,400000,40126A0A,0 [Graphics]263n-c1.bin,0,800000,361DDDA6,0263n-c2.bin,1,800000,15D192C4,0263n-c3.bin,1000000,800000,63FB79FF,0263n-c4.bin,1000001,800000,E8623126,0263n-c5.bin,2000000,400000,3348DC5D,0263n-c6.bin,2000001,400000,D90FC1A0,0 [system]CartridgeID: 263GfxCrypt: 0GfxKey: 0ButLayout: 9Fix: 0
N3oGhost Posted December 7, 2003 Author Posted December 7, 2003 Pilgrim Pig said: Can someone help me. My mslug4 rom does not have the c7 or c8 files and the c5,c6 and s1 crc are wrong.How do i generate the correct crc for kawax 251-c5p.bin CDC7E50A251-c6p.bin 6B4517BC251-c7p.bin F6D7A38A251-c8p.bin C823E045251-s1p.bin A9446774 ThanksIf you have a romset with no C7 or C8 thats ok. Like Gouki said map it to RBFF2 or LB2. just an FYI, on the kawa-x plus site, there is a patch for Mslug4 that sets the xbe to look for w the internal roms renamed to rbff2 rom sets. There are also some C files included. you might want to take a look at that too to test it out. I wouldnt worry too much about incorrect Crcs, just try renaming them and loading them up. If you get to the game itself thats a start. then you work from there. Those of you having problems with the EMU not loading a particular rom (error XXXC1.bin, etc) make ABSOLUTELY SURE that you have renamed the roms EXACTLY as it should be. even the file extentions should be changed.......dont worry if you have a c1.rom and the renamed rom is c1.bin.......just name the entire thing as its clone should be. Some roms also have underscor instead of dash ( _ vs -) so look at that too. These small details make all the difference in the world. Next: If your new to this, read through this thread completely. dont expect all the answers just because you asked. I personally think Gouki is being extremely generous with his time since a lot of the issues could have been solved by some of you just lookin back some threads. Dont misunderstand me, i want everyone to play these games. Just do some work/ research before you start asking for help. Questions to aks yourself if your rom isnt loading: Do i have in roms folder?Do i have CORRECT in roms folder?Have i correctly renamed my roms inside the zip file?Have i correctly renamed my roms ZIP name?Have i correctly zipped my rom?Do my fileSIZES match those shown in Images (provided w/ kawa-x plus)?Do i have the clone rom and the new rom in the same ROMS folder? (ex. svc and garoup in same folder- its a no-no)Have i refreshed roms? (push x in emu) Im sure there are more questions that can be generated by the solutions provided within this thread but its a start. Maybe someone can create a FAQ from help provided in this thread? -N3oGhost
Prican25 Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 well since theres plenty of time till mslug 5 and samurai sho 5 come out, i thought i'd just ask about Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003, the one i got only has the c's, p's, m1 and s1 and i tried putting those into kof2k1nd set replacing the files i just said but all i get is a screwed up screen the works fine in winkawaks with kof2001 but still get no luck in running this in kawa-x. also winkawaks doesn't decrypt the so i'm lost in what to do next
zoro11111 Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 thanks for all u lots help but still stuck i did as N3oGhost said but no it crashes when loading 253-p1p.bin does not do nothink pls advice many thanks zoro
zoro11111 Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Prican25 is the man thnaks for all u lots help!! but still can get some roms to work!!! any good ideas
N3oGhost Posted December 7, 2003 Author Posted December 7, 2003 Out of curiousity id like to know what your problem was that Prican solved. What was the final solution?
Prican25 Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 N3oGhost lol i talked to him for 2 hours on what was wrong but nothing added up so i ended up sending him the patched default.xbe and the roms he had probs with
notserbamma Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Um might have the same problem I had... Did you put all your roms in a folder and zip the entire folder up? If so, that could be the problem... Instead, just highlight all the roms, right click and add to or whatever. Just dont put em in a folder and zip the folder up.
Mr.X Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 Prican25 said: well since theres plenty of time till mslug 5 and samurai sho 5 come out, i thought i'd just ask about Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003, the one i got only has the c's, p's, m1 and s1 and i tried putting those into kof2k1nd set replacing the files i just said but all i get is a screwed up screen the works fine in winkawaks with kof2001 but still get no luck in running this in kawa-x. also winkawaks doesn't decrypt the so i'm lost in what to do next You must use CTHD2003 for Neorage X, you won't have glitched graphics & sound problems.
zoro11111 Posted December 7, 2003 Posted December 7, 2003 (edited) thanks for every one who helped me for there time and big up PRican2510 hes the man!!!! now all i need is kof20021,matrimelee,rdragond,garou,cthd2003 to work i am going to try to zip the files not the folder and see what happens. many thanks to u all zoro Notserbamma that is whats the problem i ziped the folder aswell that why it did not work but i ziped just the roms and it works now i got to work trying the others thanks man i was try all day did not go to sleep till 6am. thanks again. can any one help me for rotdndp sound its corrppted and on my org download there was not a _s1.rom file i had to go to a site and download it bt it dont sound good. any ideas Edited December 7, 2003 by zoro11111
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