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RockNES 5.00 beta 11 released


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NES emulator


What's new for version 5.00 beta 11 (07/24/2008)


- Savestates were completely broken, it's fixed now.



What's new for version 5.00 beta 10 (07/24/2008)


- New ppu savestate block, PTB2. It joins PTB0 and PTB1, plus some extras. The emulator won't load old ones, so keep up newest ones.

- New sound savestate block, DMC0. It saves fully the DMC channel state.

- Fixed a bug in the VRC IRQs (mapper 24 is ok).

- Fixed mappers 1 (Space Shuttle Project), 16, 65, 67, 69.

- Fixed inputs setup, plus some code cleanup.

- Fixed VRCVI stereo sound output.

- Fixed CRC32 calculation, oops!

- Fixed CRC32 checkups and forced header fixes.

- Fixed APU reset timing.

- Major fix regarding the PRG bank number masking (Action52 works).

- Reworked CHR RAM/ROM bankswitch and startup.

- Changed or improved a few things in the GUI.

- Fixed the manual disassembler.

>> Get it HERE.

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