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2-4 are opinions.


All of them are, really. I've used XBL and PSN. Sure XBL is more convenient, but I'm not exactly crying over how *bad* PSN is. It isn't bad at all, it's gotten a lot better then when it first launched, and of course will continue to get better and probably be on par with XBL within the next year. In terms of content? No, but functionality, yes.


You can't really make a sound judgement on a PS3 without sitting down with an open mind and just playing a few games on it. Go to a buddies house who has everything updated and actually uses the features on his console and let me know what you think. All these 'opinions' are from people who probably never even got to play a PS3 besides the store model.


I have made a sound judgment on the PS3, I do have an open mind, and I have gone to a buddies house who adores his PS3 and have spent days playing his and viewing the experiences he's had (and yes he does play online, Warhawk was one of his favorites for about a week...).


I thought about getting one, but as soon as I remembered how awesome my X360 was, the features it had, and the number of games coming out for it and are already out (honestly one of the only reasons I thought about the PS3 was because RB guitar is wireless), all those thoughts about buying it ran away...


See, in my mind, the PS3 has "Promise"...this Promise has yet to come! All their games I wish to play are already on the X360 (except MGS4 and the MGS series were never a golden series in my eyes, maybe silver), not to mention they run better on a system that "theoretically" has lower hardware specs then a PS3 -__-. Guess what the 360 has, delivery, everything they need to make the system great is already there, all the exclusives are already there and on the way, and they have support everywhere (except Japan but only if I lived there would I be worried).


Gouken the majority of your arguments as well are thrown out there with the mind-set "Just wait", just wait the PS3 will blow the 360 out of the water and EVENTUALLY release titles like HOME?



O did you guys hear? After Nintendo apologized for that whack E3 performance, they actually said they hit a brick wall, have no where to go, and are already forming a team to work on their next system :D! Good Job leaving a system so young in the dust trail Nintendo >.>.

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2-4 are opinions.

You can't really make a sound judgement on a PS3 without sitting down with an open mind and just playing a few games on it.

Too late. I already did that.


Go to a buddies house who has everything updated and actually uses the features on his console and let me know what you think.

I still believe it sucks.


All these 'opinions' are from people who probably never even got to play a PS3 besides the store model.


Good points. But apparently Blackknight wants to compare hardware. Anyways, did you download the latest PS3 update Don? In-Game XMB allows you to chat with your friends while in a game.

Watch the video you moron. Someone who knows infinitely more than your stupid ass says the 360 hardware wins hands down. Stop trolling this crap into just as asinine a thread as all the others.


Can we please get on topic and discuss that? I'm sick of idiots like you not even reading or watching the damn first post but throwing out all the PS3-support rhetoric just cause you think that's what this is about.


Bottom line; 360 online wins. 360 library wins. And now we have a professional opinion that the 360 hardware also wins. Card readers and wifi don't have sh!t on that.

Posted (edited)
Good points. But apparently Blackknight wants to compare hardware. Anyways, did you download the latest PS3 update Don? In-Game XMB allows you to chat with your friends while in a game.

Watch the video you moron. Someone who knows infinitely more than your stupid ass says the 360 hardware wins hands down. Stop trolling this crap into just as asinine a thread as all the others.


Can we please get on topic and discuss that? I'm sick of idiots like you not even reading or watching the damn first post but throwing out all the PS3-support rhetoric just cause you think that's what this is about.


Bottom line; 360 online wins. 360 library wins. And now we have a professional opinion that the 360 hardware also wins. Card readers and wifi don't have sh!t on that.


That, BlackKnight, is rude and offensive. If this was any other forum, those insults would get you banned. Glad you set such a high standard for newcomers around here.


And if you already decided that the 360 was better, and have this video to back up your own opinion, then why defend it so adamantly? You wanted others to chime in and feed your own view of the situation, and apparently attack anyone whose views differ.


Just know who threw the first stone here my friend.

Edited by Gouken
Posted (edited)
Uh, Gouken, did you watch the video in the 1st place?


Yes I did, and Carmack has a lot of great points. But overall, this is a 360 owning, ego-feeding thread. I find that one post with the picture of superman with the PS symbol on it funny, but it really reflects what BlackKnight is doing. Making a thread with someone in the industry as his spokesman fortifying his own pre-conceived opinions.


If you wanted to justify your purchase and talk about how wonderful the 360 is, use the appropriate section. Otherwise, deal with my own opinion and personality.

Edited by Gouken

Uh, Gouken, did you watch the video in the 1st place?


Yes I did, and Carmack has a lot of great points. But overall, this is a 360 owning, ego-feeding thread. I find that one post with the picture of superman with the PS symbol on it funny, but it really reflects what BlackKnight is doing. Making a thread with someone in the industry as his spokesman fortifying his own pre-conceived opinions.


If you wanted to justify your purchase and talk about how wonderful the 360 is, use the appropriate section. Otherwise, deal with my own opinion and personality.


Umm, if you are not going to accept an opinion from an expert in the gaming industry, who are you going to believe? Your argument do not hold water. Here, we have a famous game programmer, who is neutral when coming to develop games for PC and consoles, who knows more about gaming systems in technical term than any other ordinary person out there and you say that he is fortifying BK's so-called "pre-conceived" opinions just because he mentioned that X360 is a greater platform to develop and give good reasons on why it is so?!? Who do you think we should believe? A famous game programmer or a superfan who is a defender of his purchase of a failing system?


Sheesh, i would quote what Inky has said about you, " why don't you use your power to go and develop and maximise PS3 potential when other developers failed?"


This thread has a sorely familiar feel to it :D


To be fair, I didn't watch the video either. I read a transcript somewhere though and it was pretty conclusive from his point of view. I thought it was generally accepted that the 360 was easier to program for anyway, and thus even with it's on-paper-inferior stats it can match and outperform the PS3, at least for the meantime.


Uh, Gouken, did you watch the video in the 1st place?


Yes I did, and Carmack has a lot of great points. But overall, this is a 360 owning, ego-feeding thread. I find that one post with the picture of superman with the PS symbol on it funny, but it really reflects what BlackKnight is doing. Making a thread with someone in the industry as his spokesman fortifying his own pre-conceived opinions.


If you wanted to justify your purchase and talk about how wonderful the 360 is, use the appropriate section. Otherwise, deal with my own opinion and personality.


Umm, if you are not going to accept an opinion from an expert in the gaming industry, who are you going to believe? Your argument do not hold water. Here, we have a famous game programmer, who is neutral when coming to develop games for PC and consoles, who knows more about gaming systems in technical term than any other ordinary person out there and you say that he is fortifying BK's so-called "pre-conceived" opinions just because he mentioned that X360 is a greater platform to develop and give good reasons on why it is so?!? Who do you think we should believe? A famous game programmer or a superfan who is a defender of his purchase of a failing system?


Sheesh, i would quote what Inky has said about you, " why don't you use your power to go and develop and maximise PS3 potential when other developers failed?"

I've heard the same story from the creators of uncharted and resistance in the PS3's favor. What John Carmack says, I cannot fully agree with. Everyone is bias, everyone. Carmack has been developing on PCs his whole life. So of course going from a PC to XBOX then 360, JC would feel more comfortable with that and see more potential with it. Because it's easier doesn't mean it's always better.


I can post all sorts of dev talk about how much better the PS3 is over the 360, with text and videos to boot. But am I going to? No. I'm going to point out a fanboy who does do that. That's all.

Posted (edited)

360 is great for now, think everyones saying that. It's cheap(er), got loads of great games and a great online system, and most people do say its easier to program games for it.

I'm just not sure how future-proof it is. Amazingly enough its the medium format(ie dvd vs blu-ray) which looks like it will be the achilles heel for the 360 in the years to come. Hopefully MS will come up with a solution.


ok so maybe I just re-iterated what the Carmack said but, erm a summary "360 is better right now, PS3 will be better in the future if MS dont sort out new storage medium"

Edited by basilbr
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