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For some die-hard “Diablo” fans, signing a petition protesting “Diablo III“’s decidedly new and colorful art direction wasn’t enough; they went ahead and made their own mock-ups for how they think the game should look.


When I sat down with lead “Diablo III” designer Jay Wilson last week we talked about why the team chose to go with the new, brighter color palette versus the older games’ dark, desaturated look.


Then I showed him some fan-altered screenshots that had all been posted on the petition to see what he thought.

For all of you guys complaining about the art direction in Diablo 3, see what this man has to say.


Looks exactly the same with more shadows?


Lol you can make the game look like that by lowering the brightness, so why are people complaining?

Those people complaining are so stupid. Dumb ass goth faggots.

I'm complaining. flock you.


The art direction isn't changing but this guy didn't give any better reason for it than 'it's too late'. Screenshot mockups don't properly illustrate the problem that is annoying people.


It still looks too floral to me, but I will reserve my judgement until it comes out. Hopefully I'll be surprised with something really special. I'm sick of being pessimistic about contemporary games.


What irks me more than the colourful graphics is that the graphical style looks so similar to other recent Blizzard games.

What irks me more than the colourful graphics is that the graphical style looks so similar to other recent Blizzard games.

You nailed it.


After all, running around in Act 2 of D2 with Poison Nova and Blizzard will produce just as incohesively colourful screens as anything in the D3 gameplay footage so far.

Those people complaining are so stupid. Dumb ass goth faggots.

^- Has never played a Diablo game.

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