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Howdy everyone, after a few tries I was finally able to post. My yahoo acount kept thinking the validation email was spam. Once I finally found it I was pushing the first link not the one to activate. Anyways I can post now, :D


I think some of you know me from other forums, I've been around for a while now. I'm happy to meet people here and see what it is all about. I made a new topic because I couldn't find a introduction topic. If there is one any mod feel free to move my post :)


I like video games, right now I'm waiting for Harvest Moon GBA to come out. I really like these games even if they look kinda boring for many people. I also like reading books. Right now I'm reading Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin, those are good books. Well thats about it for now, I hope I can be of some help to this forum.


Thanks for letting me be part of it ;) LOL


Welcome, glad you figured out what the problem was. That usually is the thing, if your account isn't validated, it won't show in the members list. Anyways, enjoy your stay. :D


Welcome abored! Do you like Final Fantasy? Those games are boring to most people.

Welcome abored! Do you like Final Fantasy? Those games are boring to most people.

FF is one of the only rpgs i can stomach it usually has a nice story but welcome aboard dude

Hey, have fun on 1emu :), I don't know anyone who thinks FF series is boring ;)

Well to be honest, I've never even played Final Fantasy. The only one I have played is Final Fantasy VII off of a PSX Demo Disc back in 1997 which was only for about 30min. Other than than, that's about it. :)


PS: Mario allllll the way!! :)


welcome man, by the way, do you like harvest moon?can you explain me becuase i can´t find the sense on it, is it an rpg or you just have to grow plants?


hello and welcome (for the 5th time 4 a new user ugh ;))


Enjoy Your stay here and have fun here, dc++ hub, or the kaillera server which is now up and running :)


PS: I think harvest moon is an rpg where you cultivate plants and run a farm o-O


I used to like Harvest Moon, but soon it started to give me a headache, i don't know why lol...

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