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12 Achievements for a total of 200 points.


Piece of Cake 25G

Complete "L.A. Meltdown" on any difficulty or in co-op.


Let's Rock 25G

Complete "Lunar Apocalypse" on any difficulty or in co-op.


Come Get Some 25G

Complete "Shrapnel City" on any difficulty or in co-op.


Game Over 25G

Complete "The Birth" on any difficulty or in co-op.


Duke's Mighty Foot 10G

Step on 40 enemies after using the Shrinker on them.


Looks Like Cleanup on Aisle 4 10G

Step in a pile of excrement.


Shake It Baby 10G

Tip an exotic dancer.


Oomph, Uugh, Where is it? 10G

Find 70 secret areas.


Alien Maggots are Gonna Pay 10G

Finish the "Hollywood Holocaust" level in under 3 minutes.


Gonna Rip Em' a New One 10G

Get 100 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).


See You in Hell 15G

Get 250 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).


Hail to the King, Baby 25G

Earn respect and get 500 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).

  • 4 weeks later...
THey're wasting their on this instead of releaseing Duke nukem forever?

Let's face it. That game will never ever be released. It's a false sense of excitement.


Anyway, this sounds like great news. I think I only played the first few levels of Duke Nukem 3D on my old PC. I first tried it on a 486DX2 and the thing wouldn't even load. Needless to say, I was excited when I finally got the game running after all the hype. I thought it was hilarious that you could throw money at the strip dancers and they'd show you their breasts. Now that stuff is considered old, but before it was a new thing. :P


I would love to see Shadow Warrior on XBLA as well. That game was just if not more hilarious than Duke Nukem.

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