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MGS4 Not Coming to the 360


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Well, that sounds pretty final to me, seeing as the 360 hardware can't handle the game. I think it can though, but a lot of changes would have to be made, like loading, texture size, number of discs.. ect.


It really is an amazing game and it would be a shame for a gamer to miss out on it just because he's a fanboy. I can understand if you can't afford the console, but try thinking outside the box a bit. Go to a friends house, rent the system. Other solutions are available to play this game besides buying it.

im not really caring much about the article because konami knows how much 360s have been sold and there aint no way that a 360 metal gear wont get released.

the grass is greener on the other side and so is the money.

Kojima created the game based entirely on PS3 hardware. He also marketed apple, sony, blu-ray, and several other IP's in the game to boot. Would you like a butchered game or the same experience as PS3 owners? If so, buy a PS3.

it doesnt matter if it was based on ps3 hardware,it could still be ported to the 360 and how would it be a butchered game exactly. both machines are as good as each other do you really think it wouldnt be as good on the 360 as the ps3 version gimme a break.

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Blatant*? Dude you just considered me a "You people", and then considered all who don't own a Ps3 a fan boy!




Also, to clear things up, I'm mad, at you, for being stupid, I'm not mad at Kojima because a man that brilliant ain't doing nothing without thought.

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AkihiroZi, I kept re-reading Gouken's post but I failed to find anything offensive, it could come off to be slightly PS3 sided, but I don't think he's glorifying the PS3. I don't see any reason for you to attack him that way, though, even though I enjoyed reading it, it would be a perfect attack towards a Sony fanboy.

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Blatant*? Dude you just considered me a "You people", and then considered all who don't own a Ps3 a fan boy!




Also, to clear things up, I'm mad, at you, for being stupid, I'm not mad at Kojima because a man that brilliant ain't doing nothing without thought.

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it dosent matter if it was based on ps3 hardware,it could still be ported to the 360 and how would it be a butchered game exactly.both machines are as good as each other do you really think it wouldnt be as good on the 360 as the ps3 version gimme a break.

By "butchered" I don't mean a bad port at all. As I said previously, I think the 360 hardware can handle it. But taking out a lot of what went into the game... like the iPod, Hard Drive, and Blu-Ray... It's been previously stated that the game would be different. Not story wise or maybe even graphics wise, but other things would have to be changed, such as more frequent loading, no iPod, no mention of previous MGS games (Microsoft would have to get the license from Sony I believe to put MGS1 in the game, my guess though), limited textures for OctoCamo. And this is stuff I can come up with, imagine what else a dev would have to make changes to?


I've played the game twice over already, it's a wonderful game. My intentions in my original post were to say "If you like MGS, and want to play the game, don't think because you own a 360 that you can't. There are other ways besides buying a PS3 to play it.". I thought I conveyed that correctly, but I guess I didn't.

Edited by Gouken
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He grouped me, he grouped me into the category of fanboy, he grouped me into "his" category of auto-ignore, and that crap pisses me off. That amount of ignorance competes with my emotion towards those who do nothing but bow down and pray to their Sony Gods and beg for the release of a good game. It worked in the Ps2 era and I sure as hell can tell you that the amount of sacrificial blood required for the ritual is at least X10 then the original.


That's what I can't take, that's when I get insulted, and now he's posting the rules? Unlike you Gouken I can read, I know they're there, I know what I'm doing, and now your running like a coward attempting to hide behind a wall? This is why BK picked at you, and insulted you so many times, we call you out, and your reply is always the same. "You haven't tried it out", "You haven't really experienced the system", "You don't have a open mind", those are the same words that came out of Dennis Dyack, and guess what, it didn't change the fact that Too Human sucked and it sure as hell won't change the fact that the Ps3 sucks.

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Well, I do love the MGS series, but if I can't play it, I will let it go. Case in point, have not played MGS3 and will probably never will.


Same goes for MGS4, I know it is a good game and it would look really gorgeous on a LCD TV with PS3 but since I already owned an X360, it did not warrant a PS3 purchase for me. And I do want to play Tekken, Uncharted:Drake and Heavenly Sword on it.


It would be a bonus if MGS4 did eventually get ported but if not, hey, my life still goes on :clapping:

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there is nothing special about MGS4 other then hours of uncompressed cut scenes. Kojima is full of crap, there are countless games over the years that were "designed and optimized" for one console then brought over to another at a later date. but whatever, I wasn't impressed with MGS4 at all, if Konami and Kojima don't want to make MOAR MONIEZ that's on them.

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