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I think you meant Mortal Kombat Trilogy. MK Anthology wasn't an official release, I think it was some sort of fan made PS2 release. To play MK 1/2/3 on Xbox all you need is the 3 arcade roms and either Mame 0.72 or Mame b6 (can't remember which). Fumanchu would be able to tell you which emu it is that plays them.


MK Anthology is also a customized Xmugen release. For perfect MK 1/2/3 you want to get Mortal Kombat Classic. I think someone in this forums PM'd it to me. This MK 1/2/3 was ripped from MK Armageddon for Xbox and someone made a custom launcher for it for each game.

If you want to go with roms then get (MAMEoX_v0.72.1b) plays good with sound!

thats the best version to use but i find mk1and2 works best on mamex-b6........but each to their own.

Posted (edited)
MK Anthology is also a customized Xmugen release. For perfect MK 1/2/3 you want to get Mortal Kombat Classic. I think someone in this forums PM'd it to me. This MK 1/2/3 was ripped from MK Armageddon for Xbox and someone made a custom launcher for it for each game.


Actually it hasn't been converted to Xmugen and only exists in WinMugen/LinMugen format. I doubt anyone enjoys reconfiguring mugen so it may not get converted to Xbox (EDIT: Devia might have it, it seems. Hook it up!). I have it on my desktop. All characters from all 2D MKs, including 3D characters from the later MKs converted to 2D, and also new characters:




There also exists Ultimate Mortal Kombat Trilogy for the Genesis which is a non-standard extended ROM. I believe it's 12MB+ and requires newer versions of NeoGenesis for the Xbox to run properly. I like this hacked MK the best since it includes all characters from all 2D MKs, was very well done, and has none of the extra crap.


If you can't get your hands on MKA for Xbox, then I recommnd "Mortal Kombat Project" up to v4.7 floating around out there for Xbox Xmugen.

Edited by 9tendo
  • 3 weeks later...

I know these things aren't very popular anymore, but is there any other way to get MKA for xmugen than problemchild's filefactory links? filefactory has to be the worst file host ever. I've got xmugen fighting jam up and running, but all I really need is some MK action. I'm drooling over that character select screen...


I should stop complaining and just keep downloading. Is this up on xbox-sky? I've never had access.




why does anyone who makes a mugen jam every character they can find in? do you really need 120+ mortal kombatents? there are 11 sub zeros in that game?!?! his moves didn't change that much. 6 or 7 of them prolly play exactly the same.


Instead of having ten Scorpions and eighty different Sub-Zeroes, they should just combine them into one kombatant and incorporate all of the possible moves into one moveset.

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