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MaLa 1.05 released


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- Plug-ins. Added Configure support. A configuration gui can now be launched from within MaLa (when plug-in authors choose to support that option). New Plug-in SDK is available for download,

- Added check for OS so MaLahook.dll is only loaded with 98,98SE and ME.

- Added config for 'exit conformation' to be optional.

- MaLa: Added 'suspend' to shutdown options

- Development now done on a English IDE. This is great for a me as I don't speak German. The added advantage is exception errors will be in English too. :D



- MaLa won't crash if put into standby mode (in a Gamelist or screensaver)

- Gui now sets game collecting options config for 'Mame only masters' correctly.

- Add config option to not have config window centred

>> Get it HERE.

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