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Posted (edited)

-Excuse the grammer error in the title-


I was at work with this girl, and she kept poking and rubbing on me and that good stuff.

I was getting pissed because i know she has a bf and that makes her looke like a hoe to me, which is totally unttractive.

So she found one of "happy spots" and that's when i t got dangerous.

Then she stopped and paused and said..... "YOu're epidermis is showing..."

And then looked over at her....

Thinking.....Impossible..... it cant be showing to this hooka right here.....but if it is..I couldnt sense it..

BUt in truth i had to ask, "whats that?"

She laughed crazy, in her laughter i glanced down and nothing, Im like wtf is that? .... and i felt really stupid when my friend came in and said, its just ur skin dude.

No one has fallen for that?!?!?!

Edited by Shoma
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Thinking.....Impossible..... it cant be showing to this hooka right here.....but if it is..I couldnt sense it..

lol what did you think it was? your wiener? :D


I usely say "The doctors told me I have Epidermis and now you got it too." to strippers all the time. Most of the time after a lapdance. Hilarious watching them freak out.


Thinking.....Impossible..... it cant be showing to this hooka right here.....but if it is..I couldnt sense it..

lol what did you think it was? your wiener? :mad:

Yea i kinda did....It seemed like it fit the subject at the time, lol.


You tell em to STFU Shoma, real men don't know these words.


I have alligator/He-Man skin, wtf is this "epidermis"?

Posted (edited)

Heh heh heh... what a strange scenario. I can't believe you fell for that. I'll leave it alone though. Well... she played you son. Even if she was flirting, and you weren't liking that buzz because she had a man... In your head you want to seem like "biatch please".... but when she said your epidermis is showing... and you bit... her "ego" was boosted up a notch.


You see, you say she was hoeing out. You wanna be a wall and negate her wiles. But now she sees you as someone who is receptive to her .... fitting synonyms of wile: attract, charm, chicanery, coax, craftiness, deception, entice, feint, fraud, guile, lure, maneuver, pass, ploy, ruse, scheme, shenanigans, trickery.


I underlined the synonyms that best describe what I mean... but the rest fit as well to color the meaning of my interpretation of the situation.


So yea... now she thinks she is the sh!t... and I'm sure you didn't want her to think you think she is. ... Shity

Edited by Belthasar
Heh heh heh... what a strange scenario. I can't believe you fell for that. I'll leave it alone though. Well... she played you son. Even if she was flirting, and you weren't liking that buzz because she had a man... In your head you want to seem like "biatch please".... but when she said your epidermis is showing... and you bit... her "ego" was boosted up a notch.


You see, you say she was hoeing out. You wanna be a wall and negate her wiles. But now she sees you as someone who is receptive to her .... fitting synonyms of wile: attract, charm, chicanery, coax, craftiness, deception, entice, feint, fraud, guile, lure, maneuver, pass, ploy, ruse, scheme, shenanigans, trickery.


I underlined the synonyms that best describe what I mean... but the rest fit as well to color the meaning of my interpretation of the situation.


So yea... now she thinks she is the sh!t... and I'm sure you didn't want her to think you think she is. ... Shity

Um.........I agree?


Thinking.....Impossible..... it cant be showing to this hooka right here.....but if it is..I couldnt sense it..

lol what did you think it was? your wiener? :mad:

Yea i kinda did....It seemed like it fit the subject at the time, lol.


that word is too long for it to be your wiener. ;)

bah hahaha hah :D

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