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Not really important : Mega Man - The Power Battle (951006 USA, SAMPLE Version) : the others versions of megaman don't take a caps at "The" (idem for Rockman: The Power Battle (950922 Japan))

; Metal Slug X should be placed between 2 and 3 ; Saturday Night Slam Masters (slam masters 930713 USA): slam should here be in caps) ; Fatal Fury Special should be between 2 and 3 ; there's a typo with Metal Slug 3 (not encrypted, decrpyted C) : decrypted C.

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Posted (edited)

hi, been following this project for a while and I'm willing to help test. My xbox is on nearly all weekend.

Edit. Wouldn't let me pm? But I'm really willing to help. Any other way to get hold of beta.

Edited by Wurz311
Edit. Wouldn't let me pm? But I'm really willing to help. Any other way to get hold of beta.


You need at least 3 posts to enable PMs now. It's just a simple anti-spam measure. It works both ways too or else I'd PM you instead.


Edit. Wouldn't let me pm? But I'm really willing to help. Any other way to get hold of beta.


You need at least 3 posts to enable PMs now. It's just a simple anti-spam measure. It works both ways too or else I'd PM you instead.


thanks for the reply, ill just wait then.

anyone know if xbmc .cut files still work in the same method or has it changed?


Edit. Wouldn't let me pm? But I'm really willing to help. Any other way to get hold of beta.


You need at least 3 posts to enable PMs now. It's just a simple anti-spam measure. It works both ways too or else I'd PM you instead.


thanks for the reply, ill just wait then.

anyone know if xbmc .cut files still work in the same method or has it changed?

you need a biuld before april 2008 to use cut files on xbmc apparently the new versons dont let you do it.


Edit. Wouldn't let me pm? But I'm really willing to help. Any other way to get hold of beta.


You need at least 3 posts to enable PMs now. It's just a simple anti-spam measure. It works both ways too or else I'd PM you instead.


thanks for the reply, ill just wait then.

anyone know if xbmc .cut files still work in the same method or has it changed?

you need a biuld before april 2008 to use cut files on xbmc apparently the new versons dont let you do it.

right reply to this and thats 3 posts then i will send the beta for you to test.


god thats stupid to remove cut file support! almost all my emus on xbox use cuts to boot games except surreal,mame, and scummvm. hopefully someone will add them back in in some way. and i wont be updating my xbmc anymore. thanks for the info


one of the first things im having troubles with is loading large neogeo roms. Im playing at 480p with full sound options and no filter . ill post

what i find on the spreadsheet.


i just tried snkvscapcom and couldnt get the parent rom to load but snkvscapcom super plus works just fine and it loads a lot quicker now than in any other biuld of fba that ive tried.

had some problems with samurai showdown 5 and sam show special,couldnt get them to load even though the romset was correct.

but most of the neogeo games ive tried work fine.


Hi everyone


Romcenter DAT file is buggy with this build (missing games and parents and clones often seen as different games).


Use Clr MAME Pro instead (Rom center can handle this as well).


When using the spreedsheet. Please comment the video mode you're using for getting the crash.



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