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Wal-Mart should be heavily fined over this as well. They should NOT advertise a timed sale (If you read other news articles or see it on TV, it was something like a 5am-6am sale on certain items at highly discounted prices).......a "Door Crasher", literally.


When you hold a sale like this, you make damn sure you have ample security, queue lines set up and if necessary ask the police to have a car present shortly before opening if it's possible. They also should not have let 1 lone employee open the doors to a massive crowd, especially a temp who may not have been used to handling such what the hell did they think would happen?

The MANAGER should have been outside the front of the store informing everyone that if order wasn't kept, the doors would not be opened. That's standard protocol for large public events, why would nobody have the common sense to do this here?


I hate to sound like I'm racist, I'm not.......but I honestly can ONLY see this (Based on reading the article) being a "My baby daddy" fight involving two black men.

Not to say it couldn't be any other race, but the odds.......just wow. If it is, it's a couple white "thug wannabe" morons. The article points to yet a stereotype though.


Flame me, throw stuff at me but I get sick of hearing about all these things that MAKE these stereotypes possible.


P.S. I know my post puts me in bad light, so I'll throw this out there. When's the last time you heard about a black pedophile or serial killer.........they're white, we fill the other side of the spectrum with the twisted bastards like that.


this is the american south-west, man. they were hispanic gang bangers. the thing I can't get over is who the hell takes a gun to toys r us to do some christmas shopping?

this is the american south-west, man. they were hispanic gang bangers. the thing I can't get over is who the hell takes a gun to toys r us to do some christmas shopping?


Skythe would answer that with a whimsical "Batman".

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