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MisfitMAME 0.127.E released


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Released on Dec 6, 2008

Based on MAME 0.127





Source changes


Added patches as suggested by Don Hodges, to fix "kill screens" in pacman,

mspacman, galaga and donkey kong. These are not new roms; the patches are

applied at run-time.


Williams Multigame (wmg) re-added, and working. Read faq.txt before running it.


shockt2w - Fixed crash, broken since 0.127


jumpbugx - Fixed multi-session bug, MT 2689 [Atari Ace]




Games Added


dkongp - Donkey Kong with a patch to fix level 22, by Don Hodges

galagap - Galaga with a patch to fix level 256, by Don Hodges

mspacmap - MsPacman with patches to fix levels 134-256, by Don Hodges

pacmanp - Pacman with a patch to fix level 256, by Don Hodges

monstrz - Monster Zero, by Nihon Game Co. (no sound)

starw1 - Star Wars (with Colour Proms added), clone/bootleg of starw/galxwars

supmspac - Super Ms Pac-Man, bootleg, by Spedic Vending

wmg - Williams Multigame (6-game version), by Clayton Cowgill




Games Removed


CPS-2 Phoenix sets (and parents), they are in MAME as of 0.128u4

Dynwar, Galaxian, sf2 (accidently left in from development phase)

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