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The changes i've done for HD are on Neogeo games only ;) This is in 720p? Have you check if this is the latest fix version i send yeasterday? BTW no worries for autoneobios :D I'm really surprised that kof98 and garou crash :D

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Posted (edited)

ok guys something is really weird here... i have been talking with kenshiro because when i put his build on my xbox using the roms from the old 1.28 build none of my neogeo game would boot kept saying it was missing uni-bios_2_3.Rom so i had kenshiro send me his neogeo.zip.. so i ftp that over and the same thing happened so i went on a google search and found another neogeo.zip and i unzipped it into a folder and bam there was the uni-bios_2_3.Rom with many more roms that was not in my neogeo.zip or kenshiro neogeo.zip so what i did was unzip kenshiro neogeo.zip into the same folder as the one with the uni-bios_2_3.Rom and zipped it back up and ftp it over and bam it worked on kenshiro build with the 1'28 romset.


so today just for the hell of it i asked fumanchu to look in his neogeo.zip well instead of that he sent it to me and i unzipped to find that it had some different files in there then kenshiro neogeo.zip or the one i dowloaded


so with that said, i'm a n00b and don't know crap about all this stuff but it seems to me that until we all get on the same page about this neogeo.zip, its going to be hard i think for kenshiro to make you builds that work for everyone.


just my thoughts and findings... and here's the thing both kof98 and garou work fine on my end.

Edited by hellsfury

hold on a lot of the time when you download a negeo.zip it dosent have the uni-2.3 or whatever you usually have to downlaod seperately anyway and that neogeo.zip i sent you was from neosource from kenshiros thread.

Posted (edited)
hold on a lot of the time when you download a negeo.zip it dosent have the uni-2.3 or whatever you usually have to downlaod seperately anyway and that neogeo.zip i sent you was from neosource from kenshiros thread.


sorry bro but none of the files match so even if i had to get some other file it wouldn't matter, the one you sent me and one kenshiros sent do not match and i'm not talking about the uni-2.3.rom there is another one which i posted which is uni-bios_2_3.rom and not uni-2.3.rom might look close but they are different as i also have the uni-2.3.rom



edit: i just doubled chaeck to make sure and here is my findings.




the one fumanchu sent me





























the one Kenshiro sent me































Edited by hellsfury
Posted (edited)

lmao i was a bit drunk last night during a party but as i see it's worst here :blink:

The neogeo.zip from Neosource is not a zip with bios inside, it's the neogeo code source himself !!!! How do you want that works? :lol::huh::)


BTW hellfury i saw your PM i will be at home later in the day we will see together this ;)


Edit : hellfury are running under 720p?

Edited by - kenshiro -
Posted (edited)

nah man, every time i try to set it to 720p it locks up my xbox and i think you said you thought others have a trick to get it to work so until someone lets me in on this trick i can not do any testing for you bro.

Edited by hellsfury

hello everybdy


just say i dont make test for the moment but i have maybe found something interesting


kenshiro, i will pm you for some question about fba


if i success, i will post a tutorial about


just i hope i found what i can do this :)


Hey kenshiro,


Just wondering if you removed games from this release...


I noticed quite a few games like fantasy zone and alex kidd and rastan which were included in the old datfiles for 128 aren't included in this release.

Posted (edited)
HD nuclear test build sended to everyone... :( If someone can take a look at it as soon as possible lol, i gonna leave for all the week end, and also impatient to know if that works or not :)


Edit : there was a mistake in the previous build, i send a new build :(

Sorry lol


Edit 2 : a new fix, you' ll have to download it again lol



Thanks man! I'm still alive -- :) just had a LOT of crap come up unexpectedly. Life can be a real pain at times but it can be real good too.


For the 720P HD modes: so far I get crashing in these:


Garou Mark of the Wolves

KOF 99

KOF99d (KOF99 decrypted)


KOF2000d (KOF 2000 decrypted)

Metal Slug 3

mslug 3d (Metal Slug 3 decrypted)




Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

Samurai Shodown 4 - few crashes


-Almost ALL CPS2 games will go to a black screen. Some games will just bring up the "There is an error starting game" screen such as: Vampire Savior (vsavj, vsavu) Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Dimahoo etc. Any later released CPS2 games will go to the error screen, but the rest will boot to a black screen.


I'm not even close to done testing this, so I'll be back with more input in a short while.

Edited by neoryu

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