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Posted (edited)
Just downloaded 1.29 beta; I'll do some tests when I'll get back from work later. Thanks for your work, Kenshiro! Is good to see someone keeping the X-Box scene alive!


Thanks for that :(


Remember to read that thread and the changelog before report a bug, it already happens that testers report bugs or problems that are already know. It will be useful to precise what video mode you're using ;)

Edited by - kenshiro -

Beta is up. 35 downloads thus far! I've been testing games and have only run into the already known bugs. Once my control panel is back together this is going right back into my arcade. :(


Thanks kenshiro!


Hey, not that important but you can find a brand new 480p skin to test in my signature ! :(


Hi Kenshiro,


I've never tested your build but i'm curious to see what the set look likes...Do you have a datafile for those 1.29 Beta Release?

Hi Kenshiro,


I've never tested your build but i'm curious to see what the set look likes...Do you have a datafile for those 1.29 Beta Release?


Fixed nPCM2 sound ;)




PS: Fumanchu, i can play Samurai shodown 5 Special wih sound and not you :(

Hi Kenshiro,


I've never tested your build but i'm curious to see what the set look likes...Do you have a datafile for those 1.29 Beta Release?


Dats are included in the beta release.


Hello Kenshiro

I'm back and i wonder where i can find the latest beta to test it and report bugs


thanks :)

Posted (edited)



Has anyone had problems with the button configuration menus? I know that since the neogeo games are in the "others" menu that you can't universaly set up all the neogeo games at once, but I'm having other problems too


- CPS1 and CPS2 button config won't let me scroll down to the trigger buttons on player 2 (actually to the macros, you can set the triggers to be other buttons) Player 1 works fine.


- Player 3 and 4 are missing the option for macros


- Is there any way to have the option to have a button do nothing? Right now every button has to be assigned to something. When you're setting buttons in mame you can tap anything really quick three times and it negates that button\option. Likewise in xports emus you can just wait and then it times out and does the same thing. I bring this up because I built my arcade based on an XArcade joystick layout, and it would be nice to have JUST four buttons for neogeo instead of all the extra stuff that gets in the way when my friends are button mashing.


- and lastly, has anyone gotten the universe bios to work? I'm using the free 2.3, renamed and everything but I get nothing. Is this also related to the not being in the right category issue? This could be my error since its late and I just started messing with it.


I'm gonna do some more of that and also try manually configuring some of the metal slugs!



Edited by RedCapsMan

Hey Kenshiro what was it you wanted to talk to me and copsefogo about?

i checked my mail but didnt see anything cept the latest beta.


@redcapsman try deleting your old ini and save files. Though you probably already tried that

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