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tl;dr need data recovery software to recover data from reported "Invalid" logic partitions. reads in bios but not in windows.




I was doing some cable cleaning and disconnected all my sata drives from PC. Everything was properly shut down, hit the current switch in the back to off, properly grounded myself. (*1) I reattach my sata drives and reformatted a spare hdd for windows to use to figure out what went wrong. Paragon Disc manager hits a couple of I/O errors on one of my sata drives reporting invalid partitions. I double checked cables and see if there was any physical damage to the drive. Nada, so I switched around my physical drive order by hooking my drive to ide channel 0 (according to bios which reads my sata drive) and nothing. Bios picks it up but windows still reports nothing.


Previous to my cable cleanery, the drive was working fine, all 4 (includes windows partition) partitions were working correctly along with about 320 GB left in unpartitioned space. Which leads to (*1). I know the drive physically still works, windows reports 20 GB and 8MB of unpartitioned space (Out of about 900~ GB).


I'm not sure, but it might be an MBR error or something of the like.


Free software or the like to aid in recovery process. Bout ~400GB of data to recover. Mostly consisting of my delicious music collection.

Posted (edited)

If Windows isn't recognising everything then your best bet is something like Techie Tools or Hiren's boot disk. Both give you a lot of DOS apps that you can try to recover with. The one that helped me a lot in a similar situation was Active @ Partition Recovery.


Here is a link to Hiren's website.

Edited by gavin19

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