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Romcenter 3.20 released


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Rom Manager


What's new:


Bugs fixed:

- roms of size 0 not recognized (status unknown)

- listview sorted by filename instead of description

- temp folder selection linked to archive folder.

- fixed problems when importing dats with special chars (':|*?/\)

- Remove extension hanlder (no more needed)

- Fix several bugs in sample handler

- Fix begin by Rezip (if enabled)

- Rezip also try to rezip corrupted archives

- Create a 'romcenter' folder if data folder is not defined at startup

- Rom size sometime 0 when using some plugins.

- Zipped CHD are moved to folder

- Fixed about/datafiles info and behaviour

- Pb when plugin return non-dos char in extension (ex: '??')

- Set default button on creation wizard

- better sample support

- Corrupted flag is reset during test and rezip operation

- Database nodes not refreshed when a file is deleted

- Display name of file to be tested in log

- Import roms in a zip from a folder

- Access violation sometimes after a fix



- migration to delphi 2009

- firebird database 2.1

- size marked as 'NA' if not available in dat

- new folder dialogs

- datutil version 2.44

- msvcp80.dll included

- Save listview column sort infos

- delzip new zip component migration started

- Realtime region/releases display in database nodes

- Fix button enabled in database with an info message (to avoid questions on forum)

- Added test and rezip function in shell menu

- New bigger icons

- Abort icon

- Check if files size exceeds 255 char

- Optimization in renaming roms

>> Get it HERE.

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