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My level of gaming has been increasing with my age.


I was wondering if I was the only gamer that felt this.


Upon getting or playing a new game, do you feel that you need to complete that game before moving on to another? It bugs me if I start a game, and fail to complete it. I can't play another 1-Player game knowing that I completely gave up on another game.


I like to do things routinely. I'd rather finish a game and complete it, before going on to another.


Do you people feel the need to complete all side quests or, complete the game fully on all difficulty levels to be satisfied? Or do you just accept the default Video Game ending, knowing that you only truly completed about 60% of the game?


Here's an example of what I mean,


A game contains many side quests, non-canon missions, and three other difficulty levels.


If you complete said game without completing everything mentioned above, can you go on about your day or about your gaming life without caring about your incomplete work?


I do feel that way a lot. Sometimes a game is actually crap and I'm only finishing it for the story, and then I don't feel like going back when I finish it. Other times I reach 90ish% and the remaining goals are playing the game while standing on my head, and then I don't feel too bad either. Usually, though.


When brought with the a new challenge, I choose 1 of two routes.


100% completeness or Storyline purpose.


On 100%, I am expected to do everything and anything the game has to offer, even check for glitches, and walk back and fourth through a level I've beaten plenty before.


Of the top of my head



Halo (Only 1)

Megaman X series

Sonic The Hedgehog Series


On Storyline purpose, the game usually has no purpose to it but entertainment and is either 1.Not a challenge, or 2.Doesn't appeal to me. Yet I am determined to beat it, even if it's on easy with the worst ending obtainable.


Games I've done this with





Perfect Dark Zero


I usually try to aim for 100% on my first playthrough. Due to this (and the fact that I have so many other games I need to play), playing through a game can take a really long time for me. Also, some games are purposely designed in a way that it's impossible to get everything on the first go (or then you need to use some extremely meticulous strategy in order to achieve that (i.e. Persona 3/4, Final Fantasy X-2, etc.)


I'm not one of those people who complete a game in a few weeks by devoting most of their time to that one game. I don't have that much time as a whole, and thanks to the way our TV is set up, I can't play all the time even if I wanted to.


I play a game until I stop having fun. For some games (Far Cry 2, Fallout 3) that is playing them fully and doing every possible quest I can find and for other games I play them half way through and uninstall them (Gears of War).


Im' with y'all on this when it comes to RPG. I try my best to get 100% but most of the time it's a hassle. Gotta do this to get that and if I get that then I can't get the other thing. When that happens, gotta make a new save state and come back to that later to see what that ohter thing was that I couldn't get because of the 1st thing that I got. That's why a second playthrough with New Game+ is an option.


I buy games to have em for a rainy day lol


I havent finished most games i own, il get to a part that i get stuck in, leave it there for months, try again and magically get passed that level i couldnt before.


Only games that keep me going back are online multiplayer games(Gears of war/Call of Duty)

Im' with y'all on this when it comes to RPG. I try my best to get 100% but most of the time it's a hassle. Gotta do this to get that and if I get that then I can't get the other thing. When that happens, gotta make a new save state and come back to that later to see what that ohter thing was that I couldn't get because of the 1st thing that I got. That's why a second playthrough with New Game+ is an option.


I focus on playing one game and beating it once before playing another. After some time, I'll go back with another rerun of my previous game/s.


However, there are these games that simply don't allow you to gain 100% of the stuff like FF6 (you have to choose between the Ragnarok sword or Esper, as well as choose whether to upgrade Odin to Raiden, among others). The availability of a huge roster of playable characters also gives the urge to try again the game with others like in Shining Force, Final Fantasy and X-Men Legends. Building customizable characters like in Diablo II and Neverwinter Nights can also really be a hassle esp you are going for your "perfect" character.

I havent finished most games i own, il get to a part that i get stuck in, leave it there for months, try again and magically get passed that level i couldnt before.

Exactly the same deal here.


I don't really have the same attention span as before, so it's difficult for me to just stick with one game before playing another. A curse and a blessing in the same package, I guess.


I become less and less interested in completing games as I get older, when I was young I'd obsess over getting every possible thing, and seeing every easter egg. now a days I could care less, I'm like Gryph, I play until it isn't fun. sometimes that takes months, sometime it takes a few hours. I refuse to suffer through a game I don't love just for completeness sake. More times then not I play for a few hours and if it doesn't catch me (recently Dead Space) then flock it, I have other stuff to do.


The particular trap that I despise getting myself into is the quantity gaming trap.


I hate it when I play about four different games, and in all of them, I get stuck somewhere. So I stop playing, and I refuse to continue playing because I feel that it's impossible for me to get past where I left off. Restarting the game is out of the question because, when I try to replay a game on a clean slate, and I'm playing through the places I've already played through, the game instantly loses it's appeal and that is when I stop playing.


I wish to delete the experience of every single game that I've played in the past, so I can start a clean slate. Play one game, and do not play another until that game is completed. There are so many PlayStation 2 games that I've attempted to complete, but I always somehow manage to get stuck at one spot in those games. I am always too lazy to look on the internet for help.

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