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Fuse PSP released


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Sinclair Spectrum emulator for PlayStation Portable


What's New

Version (January 01, 2009):


Fuse updated to version


- Miscellaneous bug fixes

- Support for compressed disks (see documentation)

- Option to enable/disable sound while tape is loading (only works with Fastloading disabled)

- Option to enable/disable "Issue 2" keyboard support

- Extra button options - Square/Cross/Circle/Triangle with L or R trigger held down

- Option to enable/disable tape fastloading (some games do not load correctly when enabled)

- Virtual keyboard: emulation should not lag as much when virtual keyboard is displayed

- Added state exporting to other versions of Fuse - press Start while the 'Save/Load' tab is selected -- an SNA file will be written to the snapshot directory

- Virtual keyboard: classic display mode (show when R held down), or toggle mode (show/hide when R is pressed)

- Tape autoloading

- Snapshots are now saved into PSP's own PHOTO directory (/PSP/PHOTO), and can be viewed in PSP's image viewer

- File selector snapshots - while browsing for games with the file selector, pause momentarily to display the first snapshot for the game

>> Get it HERE.

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