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Front End


WebMAME, you configure your emulators / emulator. Then you can create categories on the fly from any web browser or command line. Then you can add or remove games from any emulator into any category from any web browser or command line.


The nice part. Your frontend will ALSO launch games through the same application. So if you for instance, type in a browser (IE for instance). "http://localhost/config/fighter add SF2 emul mame" it will add the SF2 game in mame to the "fighter" category. Then, the next time your frontend calls for a -listxml, it will have SF2 in the list.


You can also launch games directly, even if they aren't in any category yet. "So, does tron work well with this frontend?" just type "http://localhost/launch/mame tron" (this will launch tron in the emulator configured under mame).




- Added arguments to emulator

- Fixed some loading of large mame.xml files.

- Caching listxml files.

>> More info & download HERE.

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