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VB81_XuR_EXE 2009-01-13 released


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Sinclair emulator


** 6-7-10/1/2009


- Test Release on "Forth Editor" window. (fixed using D.Contant specifications)

- Zx81 Riched font ".Fon" updated in the "Zx_FONT" directory.

Please uninstall the previous file in Windows "Fonts" directory, and copy the new file in the "Fonts" directory.

', blank chars, [ and ] added. (used in Forth window/file viewer)

- Forth compilator released 4.2 (previous one was not initialized)

- Added a bitmap picture digitalizer in 'Tools" -> "D_file tools" -> "digitalize picture"


** 13/1/2009


- "Forth Editor" window.

- "line by line" and "Optimized" mode fixed.

- Please to update yours Zx81 fonts to properly display Zx81 chars.

("ZX_81_riched.fon" file)... it's also used in the file explorer.

>> Get it HERE.

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